
Transaction resources are the basic unit of change in the Stellar Network.

A transaction is a grouping of operations.


Attribute Type
id string The canonical id of this transaction, suitable for use as the :id parameter for url templates that require a transaction’s ID.
paging_token string A paging token suitable for use as the cursor parameter to transaction collection resources.
hash string A hex-encoded SHA-256 hash of the transaction’s XDR-encoded form.
ledger number Sequence number of the ledger in which this transaction was applied. null if the transaction is failed or unvalidated.
account string
account_sequence number
max_fee number The maximum fee willing to be paid by the transaction creator, expressed in a native currency amount.
fee_paid number The fee paid by the source account of this transaction when the transaction was applied to the ledger.
operation_count number The number of operations that are contained within this transaction.
result_code number The numeric result code for this transaction
result_code_s string
envelope_xdr string A base64 encoded string of the raw TransactionEnvelope xdr struct for this transaction
result_xdr string A base64 encoded string of the raw TransactionResultPair xdr struct for this transaction
result_meta_xdr string A base64 encoded string of the raw TransactionMeta xdr struct for this transaction


rel Example Relation
self /transactions/6391dd190f15f7d1665ba53c63842e368f485651a53d8d852ed442a446d1c69a
account /accounts/gspbxqXqEUZkiCCEFFCN9Vu4FLucdjLLdLcsV6E82Qc1T7ehsTC The source account for this transaction.
ledger /ledgers/3 The ledger in which this transaction was applied.
operations /transactions/6391dd190f15f7d1665ba53c63842e368f485651a53d8d852ed442a446d1c69a/operations
effects /transactions/6391dd190f15f7d1665ba53c63842e368f485651a53d8d852ed442a446d1c69a/effects
precedes /transactions?cursor=12884905984&order=asc A collection of transactions that occure after this transaction.
succeeds /transactions?cursor=12884905984&order=desc A collection of transactions that occur before this transaction.




Resource Type Resource URL
All Transactions Collection /transactions
Transaction Details Single /transactions/:id
Account Transactions Collection /accounts/:account_id/transactions
[Ledger Transactions][transactions/ledger] Collection /ledgers/:ledger_id/transactions