
"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
  value: true
exports.NULL_ACCOUNT = exports.AssembledTransaction = void 0;
var _ = require("..");
var _rust_types = require("../rust_types");
var _utils = require("./utils");
var _sent_transaction = require("./sent_transaction");

 * The main workhorse of {@link ContractClient}. This class is used to wrap a
 * transaction-under-construction and provide high-level interfaces to the most
 * common workflows, while still providing access to low-level stellar-sdk
 * transaction manipulation.
 * Most of the time, you will not construct an `AssembledTransaction` directly,
 * but instead receive one as the return value of a `ContractClient` method. If
 * you're familiar with the libraries generated by soroban-cli's `contract
 * bindings typescript` command, these also wraps `ContractClient` and return
 * `AssembledTransaction` instances.
 * Let's look at examples of how to use `AssembledTransaction` for a variety of
 * use-cases:
 * # 1. Simple read call
 * Since these only require simulation, you can get the `result` of the call
 * right after constructing your `AssembledTransaction`:
 * ```ts
 * const { result } = await{
 *   method: 'myReadMethod',
 *   args: spec.funcArgsToScVals('myReadMethod', { args: 'for', my: 'method', ... }),
 *   contractId: 'C123…',
 *   networkPassphrase: '…',
 *   rpcUrl: 'https://…',
 *   publicKey: Keypair.random().publicKey(), // keypairs are irrelevant, for simulation-only read calls
 *   parseResultXdr: (result: xdr.ScVal) => spec.funcResToNative('myReadMethod', result),
 * })
 * ```
 * While that looks pretty complicated, most of the time you will use this in
 * conjunction with {@link ContractClient}, which simplifies it to:
 * ```ts
 * const { result }  = await client.myReadMethod({ args: 'for', my: 'method', ... })
 * ```
 * # 2. Simple write call
 * For write calls that will be simulated and then sent to the network without
 * further manipulation, only one more step is needed:
 * ```ts
 * const assembledTx = await client.myWriteMethod({ args: 'for', my: 'method', ... })
 * const sentTx = await assembledTx.signAndSend()
 * ```
 * Here we're assuming that you're using a {@link ContractClient}, rather than
 * constructing `AssembledTransaction`'s directly.
 * Note that `sentTx`, the return value of `signAndSend`, is a
 * {@link SentTransaction}. `SentTransaction` is similar to
 * `AssembledTransaction`, but is missing many of the methods and fields that
 * are only relevant while assembling a transaction. It also has a few extra
 * methods and fields that are only relevant after the transaction has been
 * sent to the network.
 * Like `AssembledTransaction`, `SentTransaction` also has a `result` getter,
 * which contains the parsed final return value of the contract call. Most of
 * the time, you may only be interested in this, so rather than getting the
 * whole `sentTx` you may just want to:
 * ```ts
 * const tx = await client.myWriteMethod({ args: 'for', my: 'method', ... })
 * const { result } = await tx.signAndSend()
 * ```
 * # 3. More fine-grained control over transaction construction
 * If you need more control over the transaction before simulating it, you can
 * set various {@link MethodOptions} when constructing your
 * `AssembledTransaction`. With a {@link ContractClient}, this is passed as a
 * second object after the arguments (or the only object, if the method takes
 * no arguments):
 * ```ts
 * const tx = await client.myWriteMethod(
 *   {
 *     args: 'for',
 *     my: 'method',
 *     ...
 *   }, {
 *     fee: '10000', // default: {@link BASE_FEE}
 *     simulate: false,
 *     timeoutInSeconds: 20, // default: {@link DEFAULT_TIMEOUT}
 *   }
 * )
 * ```
 * Since we've skipped simulation, we can now edit the `raw` transaction and
 * then manually call `simulate`:
 * ```ts
 * tx.raw.addMemo(Memo.text('Nice memo, friend!'))
 * await tx.simulate()
 * ```
 * If you need to inspect the simulation later, you can access it with `tx.simulation`.
 * # 4. Multi-auth workflows
 * Soroban, and Stellar in general, allows multiple parties to sign a
 * transaction.
 * Let's consider an Atomic Swap contract. Alice wants to give 10 of her Token
 * A tokens to Bob for 5 of his Token B tokens.
 * ```ts
 * const ALICE = 'G123...'
 * const BOB = 'G456...'
 * const TOKEN_A = 'C123…'
 * const TOKEN_B = 'C456…'
 * const AMOUNT_A = 10n
 * const AMOUNT_B = 5n
 * ```
 * Let's say Alice is also going to be the one signing the final transaction
 * envelope, meaning she is the invoker. So your app, from Alice's browser,
 * simulates the `swap` call:
 * ```ts
 * const tx = await swapClient.swap({
 *   a: ALICE,
 *   b: BOB,
 *   token_a: TOKEN_A,
 *   token_b: TOKEN_B,
 *   amount_a: AMOUNT_A,
 *   amount_b: AMOUNT_B,
 * })
 * ```
 * But your app can't `signAndSend` this right away, because Bob needs to sign
 * it first. You can check this:
 * ```ts
 * const whoElseNeedsToSign = tx.needsNonInvokerSigningBy()
 * ```
 * You can verify that `whoElseNeedsToSign` is an array of length `1`,
 * containing only Bob's public key.
 * Then, still on Alice's machine, you can serialize the
 * transaction-under-assembly:
 * ```ts
 * const json = tx.toJSON()
 * ```
 * And now you need to send it to Bob's browser. How you do this depends on
 * your app. Maybe you send it to a server first, maybe you use WebSockets, or
 * maybe you have Alice text the JSON blob to Bob and have him paste it into
 * your app in his browser (note: this option might be error-prone 😄).
 * Once you get the JSON blob into your app on Bob's machine, you can
 * deserialize it:
 * ```ts
 * const tx = swapClient.txFromJSON(json)
 * ```
 * Or, if you're using a client generated with `soroban contract bindings
 * typescript`, this deserialization will look like:
 * ```ts
 * const tx = swapClient.fromJSON.swap(json)
 * ```
 * Then you can have Bob sign it. What Bob will actually need to sign is some
 * _auth entries_ within the transaction, not the transaction itself or the
 * transaction envelope. Your app can verify that Bob has the correct wallet
 * selected, then:
 * ```ts
 * await tx.signAuthEntries()
 * ```
 * Under the hood, this uses `signAuthEntry`, which you either need to inject
 * during initial construction of the `ContractClient`/`AssembledTransaction`,
 * or which you can pass directly to `signAuthEntries`.
 * Now Bob can again serialize the transaction and send back to Alice, where
 * she can finally call `signAndSend()`.
 * To see an even more complicated example, where Alice swaps with Bob but the
 * transaction is invoked by yet another party, check out
 * [test-swap.js](../../test/e2e/src/test-swap.js).
class AssembledTransaction {
   * The TransactionBuilder as constructed in `{@link
   * AssembledTransaction}.build`. Feel free set `simulate: false` to modify
   * this object before calling `tx.simulate()` manually. Example:
   * ```ts
   * const tx = await myContract.myMethod(
   *   { args: 'for', my: 'method', ... },
   *   { simulate: false }
   * );
   * tx.raw.addMemo(Memo.text('Nice memo, friend!'))
   * await tx.simulate();
   * ```

   * The Transaction as it was built with `` right before
   * simulation. Once this is set, modifying `raw` will have no effect unless
   * you call `tx.simulate()` again.

   * The result of the transaction simulation. This is set after the first call
   * to `simulate`. It is difficult to serialize and deserialize, so it is not
   * included in the `toJSON` and `fromJSON` methods. See `simulationData`
   * cached, serializable access to the data needed by AssembledTransaction
   * logic.

   * Cached simulation result. This is set after the first call to
   * {@link simulationData}, and is used to facilitate serialization and
   * deserialization of the AssembledTransaction.
   * Most of the time, if you need this data, you can call `tx.simulation.result`.
   * If you need access to this data after a transaction has been serialized
   * and then deserialized, you can call `simulationData.result`.

   * Cached simulation transaction data. This is set after the first call to
   * {@link simulationData}, and is used to facilitate serialization and
   * deserialization of the AssembledTransaction.
   * Most of the time, if you need this data, you can call `simulation.transactionData`.
   * If you need access to this data after a transaction has been serialized
   * and then deserialized, you can call `simulationData.transactionData`.

   * The Soroban server to use for all RPC calls. This is constructed from the
   * `rpcUrl` in the options.

   * A list of the most important errors that various AssembledTransaction
   * methods can throw. Feel free to catch specific errors in your application
   * logic.
  static Errors = {
    ExpiredState: class ExpiredStateError extends Error {},
    NeedsMoreSignatures: class NeedsMoreSignaturesError extends Error {},
    NoSignatureNeeded: class NoSignatureNeededError extends Error {},
    NoUnsignedNonInvokerAuthEntries: class NoUnsignedNonInvokerAuthEntriesError extends Error {},
    NoSigner: class NoSignerError extends Error {},
    NotYetSimulated: class NotYetSimulatedError extends Error {},
    FakeAccount: class FakeAccountError extends Error {}

   * Serialize the AssembledTransaction to a JSON string. This is useful for
   * saving the transaction to a database or sending it over the wire for
   * multi-auth workflows. `fromJSON` can be used to deserialize the
   * transaction. This only works with transactions that have been simulated.
  toJSON() {
    return JSON.stringify({
      method: this.options.method,
      tx: this.built?.toXDR(),
      simulationResult: {
        auth: => a.toXDR("base64")),
        retval: this.simulationData.result.retval.toXDR("base64")
      simulationTransactionData: this.simulationData.transactionData.toXDR("base64")
  static fromJSON(options, {
  }) {
    const txn = new AssembledTransaction(options);
    txn.built = _.TransactionBuilder.fromXDR(tx, options.networkPassphrase);
    txn.simulationResult = {
      auth: => _.xdr.SorobanAuthorizationEntry.fromXDR(a, "base64")),
      retval: _.xdr.ScVal.fromXDR(simulationResult.retval, "base64")
    txn.simulationTransactionData = _.xdr.SorobanTransactionData.fromXDR(simulationTransactionData, "base64");
    return txn;
  constructor(options) {
    this.options = options;
    this.options.simulate = this.options.simulate ?? true;
    this.server = new _.SorobanRpc.Server(this.options.rpcUrl, {
      allowHttp: this.options.allowHttp ?? false

   * Construct a new AssembledTransaction. This is the only way to create a new
   * AssembledTransaction; the main constructor is private.
   * This is an asynchronous constructor for two reasons:
   * 1. It needs to fetch the account from the network to get the current
   *   sequence number.
   * 2. It needs to simulate the transaction to get the expected fee.
   * If you don't want to simulate the transaction, you can set `simulate` to
   * `false` in the options.
   *     const tx = await{
   *       ...,
   *       simulate: false,
   *     })
  static async build(options) {
    const tx = new AssembledTransaction(options);
    const contract = new _.Contract(options.contractId);
    const account = options.publicKey ? await tx.server.getAccount(options.publicKey) : new _.Account(NULL_ACCOUNT, "0");
    tx.raw = new _.TransactionBuilder(account, {
      fee: options.fee ?? _.BASE_FEE,
      networkPassphrase: options.networkPassphrase
    }).addOperation(, ...(options.args ?? []))).setTimeout(options.timeoutInSeconds ?? _utils.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
    if (options.simulate) await tx.simulate();
    return tx;
  simulate = async () => {
    if (!this.raw) {
      throw new Error('Transaction has not yet been assembled; ' + 'call `` first.');
    this.built =;
    this.simulation = await this.server.simulateTransaction(this.built);
    if (_.SorobanRpc.Api.isSimulationSuccess(this.simulation)) {
      this.built = _.SorobanRpc.assembleTransaction(this.built, this.simulation).build();
    return this;
  get simulationData() {
    if (this.simulationResult && this.simulationTransactionData) {
      return {
        result: this.simulationResult,
        transactionData: this.simulationTransactionData
    const simulation = this.simulation;
    if (!simulation) {
      throw new AssembledTransaction.Errors.NotYetSimulated("Transaction has not yet been simulated");
    if (_.SorobanRpc.Api.isSimulationError(simulation)) {
      throw new Error(`Transaction simulation failed: "${simulation.error}"`);
    if (_.SorobanRpc.Api.isSimulationRestore(simulation)) {
      throw new AssembledTransaction.Errors.ExpiredState(`You need to restore some contract state before you can invoke this method. ${JSON.stringify(simulation, null, 2)}`);
    if (!simulation.result) {
      throw new Error(`Expected an invocation simulation, but got no 'result' field. Simulation: ${JSON.stringify(simulation, null, 2)}`);

    // add to object for serialization & deserialization
    this.simulationResult = simulation.result;
    this.simulationTransactionData =;
    return {
      result: this.simulationResult,
      transactionData: this.simulationTransactionData
  get result() {
    try {
      return this.options.parseResultXdr(this.simulationData.result.retval);
    } catch (e) {
      if (!(0, _utils.implementsToString)(e)) throw e;
      let err = this.parseError(e.toString());
      if (err) return err;
      throw e;
  parseError(errorMessage) {
    if (!this.options.errorTypes) return undefined;
    const match = errorMessage.match(_utils.contractErrorPattern);
    if (!match) return undefined;
    let i = parseInt(match[1], 10);
    let err = this.options.errorTypes[i];
    if (!err) return undefined;
    return new _rust_types.Err(err);

   * Sign the transaction with the `wallet`, included previously. If you did
   * not previously include one, you need to include one now that at least
   * includes the `signTransaction` method. After signing, this method will
   * send the transaction to the network and return a `SentTransaction` that
   * keeps track of all the attempts to fetch the transaction.
  signAndSend = async ({
    force = false,
    signTransaction = this.options.signTransaction
  } = {}) => {
    if (!this.built) {
      throw new Error("Transaction has not yet been simulated");
    if (!force && this.isReadCall) {
      throw new AssembledTransaction.Errors.NoSignatureNeeded("This is a read call. It requires no signature or sending. " + "Use `force: true` to sign and send anyway.");
    if (!signTransaction) {
      throw new AssembledTransaction.Errors.NoSigner("You must provide a signTransaction function, either when calling " + "`signAndSend` or when initializing your ContractClient");
    if ((await this.needsNonInvokerSigningBy()).length) {
      throw new AssembledTransaction.Errors.NeedsMoreSignatures("Transaction requires more signatures. " + "See `needsNonInvokerSigningBy` for details.");
    const typeChecked = this;
    return await _sent_transaction.SentTransaction.init(signTransaction, typeChecked);
  getStorageExpiration = async () => {
    const entryRes = await this.server.getLedgerEntries(new _.Contract(this.options.contractId).getFootprint());
    if (!entryRes.entries || !entryRes.entries.length || !entryRes.entries[0].liveUntilLedgerSeq) throw new Error("failed to get ledger entry");
    return entryRes.entries[0].liveUntilLedgerSeq;

   * Get a list of accounts, other than the invoker of the simulation, that
   * need to sign auth entries in this transaction.
   * Soroban allows multiple people to sign a transaction. Someone needs to
   * sign the final transaction envelope; this person/account is called the
   * _invoker_, or _source_. Other accounts might need to sign individual auth
   * entries in the transaction, if they're not also the invoker.
   * This function returns a list of accounts that need to sign auth entries,
   * assuming that the same invoker/source account will sign the final
   * transaction envelope as signed the initial simulation.
   * One at a time, for each public key in this array, you will need to
   * serialize this transaction with `toJSON`, send to the owner of that key,
   * deserialize the transaction with `txFromJson`, and call
   * {@link signAuthEntries}. Then re-serialize and send to the next account
   * in this list.
  needsNonInvokerSigningBy = async ({
    includeAlreadySigned = false
  } = {}) => {
    if (!this.built) {
      throw new Error("Transaction has not yet been simulated");

    // We expect that any transaction constructed by these libraries has a
    // single operation, which is an InvokeHostFunction operation. The host
    // function being invoked is the contract method call.
    if (!("operations" in this.built)) {
      throw new Error(`Unexpected Transaction type; no operations: ${JSON.stringify(this.built)}`);
    const rawInvokeHostFunctionOp = this.built.operations[0];
    return [ Set((rawInvokeHostFunctionOp.auth ?? []).filter(entry => entry.credentials().switch() === _.xdr.SorobanCredentialsType.sorobanCredentialsAddress() && (includeAlreadySigned || entry.credentials().address().signature().switch().name === "scvVoid")).map(entry => _.StrKey.encodeEd25519PublicKey(entry.credentials().address().address().accountId().ed25519())))];

   * If {@link needsNonInvokerSigningBy} returns a non-empty list, you can serialize
   * the transaction with `toJSON`, send it to the owner of one of the public keys
   * in the map, deserialize with `txFromJSON`, and call this method on their
   * machine. Internally, this will use `signAuthEntry` function from connected
   * `wallet` for each.
   * Then, re-serialize the transaction and either send to the next
   * `needsNonInvokerSigningBy` owner, or send it back to the original account
   * who simulated the transaction so they can {@link sign} the transaction
   * envelope and {@link send} it to the network.
   * Sending to all `needsNonInvokerSigningBy` owners in parallel is not currently
   * supported!
  signAuthEntries = async ({
    expiration = this.getStorageExpiration(),
    signAuthEntry = this.options.signAuthEntry,
    publicKey = this.options.publicKey
  } = {}) => {
    if (!this.built) throw new Error("Transaction has not yet been assembled or simulated");
    const needsNonInvokerSigningBy = await this.needsNonInvokerSigningBy();
    if (!needsNonInvokerSigningBy) {
      throw new AssembledTransaction.Errors.NoUnsignedNonInvokerAuthEntries("No unsigned non-invoker auth entries; maybe you already signed?");
    if (needsNonInvokerSigningBy.indexOf(publicKey ?? '') === -1) {
      throw new AssembledTransaction.Errors.NoSignatureNeeded(`No auth entries for public key "${publicKey}"`);
    if (!signAuthEntry) {
      throw new AssembledTransaction.Errors.NoSigner('You must provide `signAuthEntry` when calling `signAuthEntries`, ' + 'or when constructing the `ContractClient` or `AssembledTransaction`');
    const rawInvokeHostFunctionOp = this.built.operations[0];
    const authEntries = rawInvokeHostFunctionOp.auth ?? [];
    for (const [i, entry] of authEntries.entries()) {
      if (entry.credentials().switch() !== _.xdr.SorobanCredentialsType.sorobanCredentialsAddress()) {
        // if the invoker/source account, then the entry doesn't need explicit
        // signature, since the tx envelope is already signed by the source
        // account, so only check for sorobanCredentialsAddress
      const pk = _.StrKey.encodeEd25519PublicKey(entry.credentials().address().address().accountId().ed25519());

      // this auth entry needs to be signed by a different account
      // (or maybe already was!)
      if (pk !== publicKey) continue;
      authEntries[i] = await (0, _.authorizeEntry)(entry, async preimage => Buffer.from(await signAuthEntry(preimage.toXDR("base64")), "base64"), await expiration, this.options.networkPassphrase);

   * Whether this transaction is a read call. This is determined by the
   * simulation result and the transaction data. If the transaction is a read
   * call, it will not need to be signed and sent to the network. If this
   * returns `false`, then you need to call `signAndSend` on this transaction.
  get isReadCall() {
    const authsCount = this.simulationData.result.auth.length;
    const writeLength = this.simulationData.transactionData.resources().footprint().readWrite().length;
    return authsCount === 0 && writeLength === 0;
exports.AssembledTransaction = AssembledTransaction;