
Horizon is the client facing API server for the Stellar ecosystem. See an overview of the Stellar ecosystem for more details.

Horizon provides three significant portions of functionality: The Transactions API, the History API, and the Trading API.

Transactions API

The Transactions API exists to help you make transactions against the Stellar network. It provides ways to help you create valid transactions, such as providing an account’s sequence number or latest known balances.

In addition to the read endpoints, the Transactions API also provides the endpoint to submit transactions.

Important Endpoints

History API

The History API provides endpoints for retrieving data about what has happened in the past on the Stellar network. It provides (or will provide) endpoints that let you:

  • Retrieve transaction details
  • Load transactions that effect a given account
  • Load payment history for an account
  • Load trade history for a given order book

Important Endpoints

Trading API

The Trading API provides endpoints for retrieving data about the distributed currency exchange within stellar. It provides data regarding open offers to exchange currency (often called an order book) and also provides data about trades that were executed within the exchange.

Important Endpoints

Response Format

Rather than using a fully custom way of representing the resources we expose in Horizon, we use HAL. HAL is a hypermedia format in JSON that remains simple while giving us a couple of benefits such as simpler client integration for several languages. See this wiki page for a list of libraries.

At its simplest, a HAL response is just a JSON object with a couple of reserved property names: _links is used for expressing links and _embedded is used for bundling other HAL objects with the response. Other than links and embedded objects, HAL is just JSON.


HAL is a hypermedia format, like HTML, in that it has a mechanism to express links between documents. Let’s look at a simple example:

  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/ledgers/1"
    "transactions": {
      "href": "/ledgers/1/transactions{?cursor}{?limit}{?order}",
      "templated": true
  "id": "43cf4db3741a7d6c2322e7b646320ce9d7b099a0b3501734dcf70e74a8a4e637",
  "hash": "43cf4db3741a7d6c2322e7b646320ce9d7b099a0b3501734dcf70e74a8a4e637",
  "prev_hash": "",
  "sequence": 1,
  "transaction_count": 0,
  "operation_count": 0,
  "closed_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"

The above response is for the genesis ledger of the Stellar test network, and the links in the _links attribute provide links to other relavant resources in Horizon. Notice the object beneath the transactions key. The key of each link specifies that links relation to the current resource, and in this case transactions means “Transactions that occurred in this ledger”. Logically, you should expect that resource to respond with a collection of transactions with all of the results having a ledger_sequence attribute equal to 1.

The transactions link is also templated, which means that the href attribute of the link is actually a URI template, as specified by RFC 6570. We use URI templates to show you what parameters a give resource can take. You must evaluate the template to a valid URI before navigating to it.



Streaming via Server-Sent Events



In the event that an error occurs while processing a request to horizon, a problem response will be returned to the client. This problem response will contain information detailing why the request couldn’t complete successfully.

Like HAL for successful responses, horizon uses a standard to specify how we communicate errors to the client. Specifically, horizon uses the Problem Details for HTTP APIs draft specification. The specification is short, so we recommend you read it. In summary, when a problem occurs on the server we respond with a json document with the following attributes:

name type description
type url The identifier for the problem, expressed as a url. Visiting the url in a web browser will redirect you to the additional documentation for the problem.
title string A short title describing the problem.
status number An HTTP status code that maps to the problem. A problem that is triggered due to client input will be in the 400-499 range of status code, for exmaple.
detail string A longer description of the problem meant the further explain to problem to developers.
instance string A token that uniquely identifies this request. Allows server administrators to correlate a client report with server log files

Standard Problems

There are a set of problems that can occur in any request to horizon which we call standard problems. These problems are:


XDR, also known as External Data Representation, is used extensively in the Stellar Network, especially the core. The ledger, transactions, results, history, and even the messages passed between computers running stellar-core are encoded using XDR.

XDR is specified in RFC 4506.

Since XDR is a binary format, not known as widely as JSON for example, we try to hide most of it from Horizon. Instead, we opt to interpret the XDR for you and present the values as JSON attributes. That said, we also expose the XDR to your so you can get access to the raw, canonical data.

NOTE: While Horizon is in development, you can get the most complete access access to data by reading XDR.

In general, horizon will render the xdr structures encoded in base64 so that it is capable to transmit within a json body. You should decode the base64 string into a byte stream, then decode the XDR into in memory data structures.

.X files

Data structures in XDR are specified in an interface definition file (IDL).
The IDL files used for the Stellar Network are available on github.


Transaction resources are the basic unit of change in the Stellar Network.

A transaction is a grouping of operations.


Attribute Type
id string The canonical id of this transaction, suitable for use as the :id parameter for url templates that require a transaction’s ID.
paging_token string A paging token suitable for use as the cursor parameter to transaction collection resources.
hash string A hex-encoded SHA-256 hash of the transaction’s XDR-encoded form.
ledger number Sequence number of the ledger in which this transaction was applied. null if the transaction is failed or unvalidated.
account string
account_sequence number
max_fee number The maximum fee willing to be paid by the transaction creator, expressed in a native currency amount.
fee_paid number The fee paid by the source account of this transaction when the transaction was applied to the ledger.
operation_count number The number of operations that are contained within this transaction.
result_code number The numeric result code for this transaction
result_code_s string
envelope_xdr string A base64 encoded string of the raw TransactionEnvelope xdr struct for this transaction
result_xdr string A base64 encoded string of the raw TransactionResultPair xdr struct for this transaction
result_meta_xdr string A base64 encoded string of the raw TransactionMeta xdr struct for this transaction


rel Example Relation
self /transactions/6391dd190f15f7d1665ba53c63842e368f485651a53d8d852ed442a446d1c69a
account /accounts/gspbxqXqEUZkiCCEFFCN9Vu4FLucdjLLdLcsV6E82Qc1T7ehsTC The source account for this transaction.
ledger /ledgers/3 The ledger in which this transaction was applied.
operations /transactions/6391dd190f15f7d1665ba53c63842e368f485651a53d8d852ed442a446d1c69a/operations
effects /transactions/6391dd190f15f7d1665ba53c63842e368f485651a53d8d852ed442a446d1c69a/effects
precedes /transactions?cursor=12884905984&order=asc A collection of transactions that occure after this transaction.
succeeds /transactions?cursor=12884905984&order=desc A collection of transactions that occur before this transaction.




Resource Type Resource URL
All Transactions Collection /transactions
Transaction Details Single /transactions/:id
Account Transactions Collection /accounts/:account_id/transactions
[Ledger Transactions][transactions/ledger] Collection /ledgers/:ledger_id/transactions


Pages are objects that represent a subset of objects from a larger collection. As an example, it would be unfeasible to provide the
All Transactions endpoint without paging; Over time there will be millions of transactions in the Stellar network’s ledger and returning them all over a single request would be unfeasible.


A page itself exposes no attributes. It is merely a container for embedded records and some links to aid in iterating the entire collection the page is part of.

Embedded Resources

A page contains an embedded set of records, regardless of the contained resource.


A page provides a couple of links to ease in iteration.

Example Relation
self /transactions
prev /transactions?cursor=12884905984&order=desc&limit=10 The previous page of results
next /transactions?cursor=12884905984&order=asc&limit=10 The next page of results


  "_embedded": {
    "records": [
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": "/operations/12884905984"
          "transaction": {
            "href": "/transaction/6391dd190f15f7d1665ba53c63842e368f485651a53d8d852ed442a446d1c69a"
          "precedes": {
            "href": "/account/gspbxqXqEUZkiCCEFFCN9Vu4FLucdjLLdLcsV6E82Qc1T7ehsTC/payments?cursor=12884905984&order=asc{?limit}",
            "templated": true
          "succeeds": {
            "href": "/account/gspbxqXqEUZkiCCEFFCN9Vu4FLucdjLLdLcsV6E82Qc1T7ehsTC/payments?cursor=12884905984&order=desc{?limit}",
            "templated": true
        "id": 12884905984,
        "paging_token": "12884905984",
        "type": 0,
        "type_s": "payment",
        "sender": "gspbxqXqEUZkiCCEFFCN9Vu4FLucdjLLdLcsV6E82Qc1T7ehsTC",
        "receiver": "gsKuurNYgtBhTSFfsCaWqNb3Ze5Je9csKTSLfjo8Ko2b1f66ayZ",
        "currency": {
          "code": "XLM"
        "amount": 1000000000,
        "amount_f": 100.00
  "_links": {
    "next": {
      "href": "/account/gspbxqXqEUZkiCCEFFCN9Vu4FLucdjLLdLcsV6E82Qc1T7ehsTC/payments?cursor=12884905984&order=asc&limit=100"
    "prev": {
      "href": "/account/gspbxqXqEUZkiCCEFFCN9Vu4FLucdjLLdLcsV6E82Qc1T7ehsTC/payments?cursor=12884905984&order=desc&limit=100"
    "self": {
      "href": "/account/gspbxqXqEUZkiCCEFFCN9Vu4FLucdjLLdLcsV6E82Qc1T7ehsTC/payments?limit=100"


Any endpoint that provides a collection of resources should represent them as pages.


Operations are objects that represent a desired change to the ledger: payments, offers to exchange currency, changes made to account options, etc. Operations are submitted to the Stellar Network grouped in a Transaction.

An operation is one of six types: Payment, Create Offer, Set Options, Change Trust, Allow Trust, Account Merge, and Inflation. See the section “Operation Types” below.

Every operation type share a set of common attributes and links, but contain additional attributes and links specific to its types.

Common Attributes

id number The canonical id of this operation, suitable for use as the :id parameter for url templates that require an operation’s ID
paging_token any
type number Specifies the type of operation, See “Types” section below for reference.
type_s string A string representation of the type of operation

Common Links

Example Relation
transaction The transaction this operation is part of

Operation Types

There are sevent different operation types:

type_s type
payment 0
create_offer 1
set_options 2
change_trust 3
allow_trust 4
account_merge 5
inflation 6

Each operation type will have a different set of attributes, in addition to the common attributes listed above.


A payment operation represents a payment from one account to another. This payment can be either a simple native currency payment or a fiat currency payment.


sender string address of sender
receiver string
currency object
currency.code string
currency.issuer string
amount number
amount_f number
path array


Example Relation
sender /accounts/gT9jHoPKoErFwXavCrDYLkSVcVd9oyVv94ydrq6FnPMXpKHPTA Sending account
receiver /accounts/gspbxqXqEUZkiCCEFFCN9Vu4FLucdjLLdLcsV6E82Qc1T7ehsTC Receiving account


  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/operations/12884905984"
    "transaction": {
      "href": "/transaction/6391dd190f15f7d1665ba53c63842e368f485651a53d8d852ed442a446d1c69a"
    "precedes": {
      "href": "/account/gspbxqXqEUZkiCCEFFCN9Vu4FLucdjLLdLcsV6E82Qc1T7ehsTC/payments?cursor=12884905984&order=asc{?limit}",
      "templated": true
    "succeeds": {
      "href": "/account/gspbxqXqEUZkiCCEFFCN9Vu4FLucdjLLdLcsV6E82Qc1T7ehsTC/payments?cursor=12884905984&order=desc{?limit}",
      "templated": true
  "id": 12884905984,
  "paging_token": "12884905984",
  "type": 0,
  "type_s": "payment",
  "sender": "gspbxqXqEUZkiCCEFFCN9Vu4FLucdjLLdLcsV6E82Qc1T7ehsTC",
  "receiver": "gsKuurNYgtBhTSFfsCaWqNb3Ze5Je9csKTSLfjo8Ko2b1f66ayZ",
  "currency": {
    "code": "XLM"
  "amount": 1000000000,
  "amount_f": 100.00

Create Offer

A “Create Offer” operation represents the desire of an account to trade currencies. It specifies an order book, a price and amount of currency to buy or sell.

When this operation is applied to the ledger, trades will be executed by matching this operation with crossing offers, executing trades in an attempt to completely will this offer.

In the event that there are not enough crossing orders to fill the order completely a new “Offer” object will be created in the ledger. As other accounts make offers or payments, this offer will be filled when possible.


Example Relation
orderbook The orderbook the offer was posted to

Set Options


Change Trust


Allow Trust


Account Merge





Resource Type Resource URL
All Operations Collection /operations
Operations Details Single /operations/:id
Account Operations Collection /accounts/:account_id/operations
Account Payments Collection /accounts/:account_id/payments

Payments for account

This endpoint responds with a collection of Payment operations resources for the account specified in the arguments. Specifically, any payment in which the specified account participates, either as sender or receiver.

This endpoint is particularly useful for following along with payments made by an account. A client can retrieve quick notification about payments made to a specific account by using response streaming.


GET /accounts/{id}/payments{?cursor}{?limit}{?order}


name loc notes example description
id path required, string gspbxqXqEUZkiCCEFFCN9Vu4FLucdjLLdLcsV6E82Qc1T7ehsTC The address of the account used to constrain results.
cursor query optional,
default ""
8589934592 A payment paging token specifying from where to begin results.
limit query optional, number,
default 10
500 Specifies the count of records at most to return.
order query optional, string,
default "asc"
desc Specifies order of returned results. "asc" means older payments first, "desc" mean newer payments first.


# retrieve the first 25 payment for account



This endpoint responds with a page of payment operations.


  "_embedded": {
    "records": [
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": "/operations/12884905984"
          "transaction": {
            "href": "/transaction/6391dd190f15f7d1665ba53c63842e368f485651a53d8d852ed442a446d1c69a"
          "precedes": {
            "href": "/account/gspbxqXqEUZkiCCEFFCN9Vu4FLucdjLLdLcsV6E82Qc1T7ehsTC/payments?cursor=12884905984&order=asc{?limit}",
            "templated": true
          "succeeds": {
            "href": "/account/gspbxqXqEUZkiCCEFFCN9Vu4FLucdjLLdLcsV6E82Qc1T7ehsTC/payments?cursor=12884905984&order=desc{?limit}",
            "templated": true
        "id": 12884905984,
        "paging_token": "12884905984",
        "type": 0,
        "type_s": "payment",
        "sender": "gspbxqXqEUZkiCCEFFCN9Vu4FLucdjLLdLcsV6E82Qc1T7ehsTC",
        "receiver": "gsKuurNYgtBhTSFfsCaWqNb3Ze5Je9csKTSLfjo8Ko2b1f66ayZ",
        "currency": {
          "code": "XLM"
        "amount": 1000000000,
        "amount_f": 100.00
  "_links": {
    "next": {
      "href": "/account/gspbxqXqEUZkiCCEFFCN9Vu4FLucdjLLdLcsV6E82Qc1T7ehsTC/payments?cursor=12884905984&order=asc{?limit}",
      "templated": true
    "self": {
      "href": "/account/gspbxqXqEUZkiCCEFFCN9Vu4FLucdjLLdLcsV6E82Qc1T7ehsTC/payments"


This endpoint should only respond with standard errors.


Post Transaction

Posts a new transaction to the Stellar Network. Note that creating a valid transactions and signing it properly should be the responsibility of your client library.

Also note, this endpoint is presently a very thin wrapper around the raw transaction submission endpoint in stellar-core. This endpoint will probably change quite soon to reflect more of the design choices made by the rest of horizon


POST /transactions


name loc notes example description
tx body required 899b2840ed5636c56ddc5f14b23975f79f1ba2388d2694e4c56ecdddc960e5ef


curl \
  -X POST \
  -F "tx=899b2840ed5636c56ddc5f14b23975f79f1ba2388d2694e4c56ecdddc960e5ef0000000a000000000000000100000000ffffffff000000010000000000000000500e14fe9d7dc549e30244da424cfbcabe2166a55237897473d3f7358a086b4800000000000009184e72a000000000000000000000000000000009184e72a00000000001899b28402e992cc5fc6d7e0f888b7afa173a35d3ce87526bc37d8171e2d9ee7f2715d1d4146a9026b13396ab8e7392f947caba1b00d398801b4644ae5238f96f96ec7605"


This endpoint returns a resource that represents the result of initial submission of the provided transaction to stellar-core.


Name Type
hash string A hex-encoded hash of the submitted transaction.
result string Distilled summary of the result. See “Result” section below.
submission_result string A hex-encoded TransactionResult XDR object.


The result attribute of a response from this endpoint can be one of the following values:

malformed The transaction was suffiently malformed that we could not interpet it.
already_finished The hash for this transaction hash is either in the history database or is in the stellar core database.
received The transaction was submitted and received by stellar core, and will be included in consideration for a validared ledger
failed The submission to stellar core failed, and was not recieved by the network. Refer to the submission_result for details.
connection_failed Horizon could not connect to stellar core.


  "hash": "802da5683737972e5a0a6d8d4960bb43a7be64a1dbc00549eeb31729f94c75f2",
  "result": "failed",
  "submission_result": "0000000000000000fffffffb"


This endpoint should only respond with [standard errors][se].

Transaction Details

The transaction details endpoint provides information on a single transaction within the ledger. The transaction hash provided in the hash argument specifies which transaction to load


GET /transactions/{hash}


name type description example
hash string A transaction hash, hex-encoded 6391dd190f15f7d1665ba53c63842e368f485651a53d8d852ed442a446d1c69a




This endpoint responds with a single Transaction. See transaction resource for reference.




  • The standard errors.
  • not_found: A not_found problem will be returned if there is no transaction in the ledger whose hash matches the hash argument.

Problem: Not Found

A not_found problem is returned from horizon when the resource a client is requesting is not found. This is similar to a “404 Not Found” error response you get from HTTP.


  "type":     "",
  "title":    "Resource Missing",
  "status":   404,
  "details":  "The resource .... not found.",
  "instance": "d3465740-ec3a-4a0b-9d4a-c9ea734ce58a"

Tips for resolution

  • Ensure that the URL is correct, pay special attention to any path parameters, as this is usually where something is wrong. Additionally, you should be never see this error message when navigating from a link read from a response.

  • Ensure the data exists. For example, if you are requesting the details of a transaction, you will receive a not_found error in the event that the transaction you are requesting failed.

Problem: Internal Server Error

A server_error problem is returned from horizon when an error occurs within the code for horizon. This error code is a catchall, and it could reflect any number of errors in the server: A configuration mistake, a database connection error, a bug, etc.

NOTE: Even though Horizon is an open source project, we do not directly expose error information such as stack traces or raw error messages, as they may exposes sensitive configuration data such as secret keys.


  "type":     "",
  "title":    "Internal Server Error",
  "status":   500,
  "details":  "...",
  "instance": "d3465740-ec3a-4a0b-9d4a-c9ea734ce58a"

Tips for resolution

  • If you are encountering this problem on a server you control, please check the horizon log files for more details. The logs should contain stack traces and more detailed information to help you discover the root issue.

  • If encountering this problem on the public stellar infrastructure, report an issue on horizon’s issue tracker. Please include at a minimum the instance attribute from the problem response, but additional information such as the original request that triggered the problem is always welcome and speeds our ability to identify the problem.