import xdr from './xdr';
import { StrKey } from './strkey';
import { scValToNative } from './scval';
* Converts raw diagnostic or contract events into something with a flatter,
* human-readable, and understandable structure.
* @param {xdr.DiagnosticEvent[] | xdr.ContractEvent[]} events either contract
* events or diagnostic events to parse into a friendly format
* @returns {SorobanEvent[]} a list of human-readable event structures, where
* each element has the following properties:
* - type: a string of one of 'system', 'contract', 'diagnostic
* - contractId?: optionally, a `C...` encoded strkey
* - topics: a list of {@link scValToNative} invocations on the topics
* - data: similarly, a {@link scValToNative} invocation on the raw event data
export function humanizeEvents(events) {
return => {
if (e instanceof xdr.DiagnosticEvent) {
return extractEvent(e.event());
return extractEvent(e);
function extractEvent(event) {
return {
event.contractId() === null
? ''
: StrKey.encodeContract(event.contractId()),
type: event.type().name,
topics: event
.map((t) => scValToNative(t)),
data: scValToNative(event.body().value().data())