"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.Server = exports.SUBMIT_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT = exports.Durability = void 0;
var _urijs = _interopRequireDefault(require("urijs"));
var _stellarBase = require("stellar-base");
var _axios = _interopRequireDefault(require("./axios"));
var jsonrpc = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./jsonrpc"));
var _soroban_rpc = require("./soroban_rpc");
var _transaction = require("./transaction");
var _parsers = require("./parsers");
function _getRequireWildcardCache(e) { if ("function" != typeof WeakMap) return null; var r = new WeakMap(), t = new WeakMap(); return (_getRequireWildcardCache = function (e) { return e ? t : r; })(e); }
function _interopRequireWildcard(e, r) { if (!r && e && e.__esModule) return e; if (null === e || "object" != typeof e && "function" != typeof e) return { default: e }; var t = _getRequireWildcardCache(r); if (t && t.has(e)) return t.get(e); var n = { __proto__: null }, a = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var u in e) if ("default" !== u && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, u)) { var i = a ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, u) : null; i && (i.get || i.set) ? Object.defineProperty(n, u, i) : n[u] = e[u]; } return n.default = e, t && t.set(e, n), n; }
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
/* tslint:disable:variable-name no-namespace */
* Specifies the durability namespace of contract-related ledger entries.
let Durability = exports.Durability = /*#__PURE__*/function (Durability) {
Durability["Temporary"] = "temporary";
Durability["Persistent"] = "persistent";
return Durability;
* Handles the network connection to a Soroban RPC instance, exposing an
* interface for requests to that instance.
* @constructor
* @param {string} serverURL Soroban-RPC Server URL (ex.
* `http://localhost:8000/soroban/rpc`).
* @param {object} [opts] Options object
* @param {boolean} [opts.allowHttp] allows connecting to insecure http servers
* (default: `false`). This must be set to false in production deployments!
* You can also use {@link Config} class to set this globally.
* @param {Record<string, string>} [opts.headers] allows setting custom headers
* @see https://soroban.stellar.org/api/methods
class Server {
/** Soroban RPC Server URL (ex. `http://localhost:8000/soroban/rpc`). */
constructor(serverURL, opts = {}) {
this.serverURL = (0, _urijs.default)(serverURL);
if (opts.headers && Object.keys(opts.headers).length === 0) {
_axios.default.interceptors.request.use(config => {
// merge the custom headers into any existing headers
config.headers = Object.assign(config.headers, opts.headers);
return config;
if (this.serverURL.protocol() !== 'https' && !opts.allowHttp) {
throw new Error("Cannot connect to insecure Soroban RPC server if `allowHttp` isn't set");
* Fetch a minimal set of current info about a Stellar account.
* Needed to get the current sequence number for the account so you can build
* a successful transaction with {@link TransactionBuilder}.
* @param {string} address - The public address of the account to load.
* @returns {Promise<Account>} a promise to the {@link Account} object with
* a populated sequence number
* @see https://soroban.stellar.org/api/methods/getLedgerEntries
* @example
* const accountId = "GBZC6Y2Y7Q3ZQ2Y4QZJ2XZ3Z5YXZ6Z7Z2Y4QZJ2XZ3Z5YXZ6Z7Z2Y4";
* server.getAccount(accountId).then((account) => {
* console.log("sequence:", account.sequence);
* });
async getAccount(address) {
const ledgerKey = _stellarBase.xdr.LedgerKey.account(new _stellarBase.xdr.LedgerKeyAccount({
accountId: _stellarBase.Keypair.fromPublicKey(address).xdrPublicKey()
const resp = await this.getLedgerEntries(ledgerKey);
if (resp.entries.length === 0) {
return Promise.reject({
code: 404,
message: `Account not found: ${address}`
const accountEntry = resp.entries[0].val.account();
return new _stellarBase.Account(address, accountEntry.seqNum().toString());
* General node health check.
* @returns {Promise<SorobanRpc.GetHealthResponse>} a promise to the
* {@link SorobanRpc.GetHealthResponse} object with the status of the
* server (e.g. "healthy").
* @see https://soroban.stellar.org/api/methods/getHealth
* @example
* server.getHealth().then((health) => {
* console.log("status:", health.status);
* });
async getHealth() {
return jsonrpc.post(this.serverURL.toString(), 'getHealth');
* Reads the current value of contract data ledger entries directly.
* Allows you to directly inspect the current state of a contract. This is a
* backup way to access your contract data which may not be available via
* events or {@link Server.simulateTransaction}.
* @param {string|Address|Contract} contract the contract ID containing the
* data to load as a strkey (`C...` form), a {@link Contract}, or an
* {@link Address} instance
* @param {xdr.ScVal} key the key of the contract data to load
* @param {Durability} [durability=Durability.Persistent] the "durability
* keyspace" that this ledger key belongs to, which is either 'temporary'
* or 'persistent' (the default), see {@link Durability}.
* @returns {Promise<SorobanRpc.LedgerEntryResult>} the current data value
* @warning If the data entry in question is a 'temporary' entry, it's
* entirely possible that it has expired out of existence.
* @see https://soroban.stellar.org/api/methods/getLedgerEntries
* @example
* const key = xdr.ScVal.scvSymbol("counter");
* server.getContractData(contractId, key, Durability.Temporary).then(data => {
* console.log("value:", data.val);
* console.log("liveUntilLedgerSeq:", data.liveUntilLedgerSeq);
* console.log("lastModified:", data.lastModifiedLedgerSeq);
* console.log("latestLedger:", data.latestLedger);
* });
async getContractData(contract, key, durability = Durability.Persistent) {
// coalesce `contract` param variants to an ScAddress
let scAddress;
if (typeof contract === 'string') {
scAddress = new _stellarBase.Contract(contract).address().toScAddress();
} else if (contract instanceof _stellarBase.Address) {
scAddress = contract.toScAddress();
} else if (contract instanceof _stellarBase.Contract) {
scAddress = contract.address().toScAddress();
} else {
throw new TypeError(`unknown contract type: ${contract}`);
let xdrDurability;
switch (durability) {
case Durability.Temporary:
xdrDurability = _stellarBase.xdr.ContractDataDurability.temporary();
case Durability.Persistent:
xdrDurability = _stellarBase.xdr.ContractDataDurability.persistent();
throw new TypeError(`invalid durability: ${durability}`);
let contractKey = _stellarBase.xdr.LedgerKey.contractData(new _stellarBase.xdr.LedgerKeyContractData({
contract: scAddress,
durability: xdrDurability
return this.getLedgerEntries(contractKey).then(r => {
if (r.entries.length === 0) {
return Promise.reject({
code: 404,
message: `Contract data not found. Contract: ${_stellarBase.Address.fromScAddress(scAddress).toString()}, Key: ${key.toXDR('base64')}, Durability: ${durability}`
return r.entries[0];
* Reads the current value of arbitrary ledger entries directly.
* Allows you to directly inspect the current state of contracts, contract's
* code, accounts, or any other ledger entries.
* To fetch a contract's WASM byte-code, built the appropriate
* {@link xdr.LedgerKeyContractCode} ledger entry key (or see
* {@link Contract.getFootprint}).
* @param {xdr.ScVal[]} keys one or more ledger entry keys to load
* @returns {Promise<SorobanRpc.GetLedgerEntriesResponse>} the current
* on-chain values for the given ledger keys
* @see Server._getLedgerEntries
* @see https://soroban.stellar.org/api/methods/getLedgerEntries
* @example
* const key = xdr.LedgerKey.contractData(new xdr.LedgerKeyContractData({
* contractId: StrKey.decodeContract(contractId),
* key: xdr.ScVal.scvSymbol("counter"),
* }));
* server.getLedgerEntries([key]).then(response => {
* const ledgerData = response.entries[0];
* console.log("key:", ledgerData.key);
* console.log("value:", ledgerData.val);
* console.log("liveUntilLedgerSeq:", ledgerData.liveUntilLedgerSeq);
* console.log("lastModified:", ledgerData.lastModifiedLedgerSeq);
* console.log("latestLedger:", response.latestLedger);
* });
async getLedgerEntries(...keys) {
return this._getLedgerEntries(...keys).then(_parsers.parseRawLedgerEntries);
async _getLedgerEntries(...keys) {
return jsonrpc.post(this.serverURL.toString(), 'getLedgerEntries', keys.map(k => k.toXDR('base64')));
* Fetch the details of a submitted transaction.
* After submitting a transaction, clients should poll this to tell when the
* transaction has completed.
* @param {string} hash hex-encoded hash of the transaction to check
* @returns {Promise<SorobanRpc.GetTransactionResponse>} the status,
* result, and other details about the transaction
* @see https://soroban.stellar.org/api/methods/getTransaction
* @example
* const transactionHash = "c4515e3bdc0897f21cc5dbec8c82cf0a936d4741cb74a8e158eb51b9fb00411a";
* server.getTransaction(transactionHash).then((tx) => {
* console.log("status:", tx.status);
* console.log("envelopeXdr:", tx.envelopeXdr);
* console.log("resultMetaXdr:", tx.resultMetaXdr);
* console.log("resultXdr:", tx.resultXdr);
* });
async getTransaction(hash) {
return this._getTransaction(hash).then(raw => {
let successInfo = {};
if (raw.status === _soroban_rpc.SorobanRpc.GetTransactionStatus.SUCCESS) {
var _meta$v3$sorobanMeta;
const meta = _stellarBase.xdr.TransactionMeta.fromXDR(raw.resultMetaXdr, 'base64');
successInfo = {
ledger: raw.ledger,
createdAt: raw.createdAt,
applicationOrder: raw.applicationOrder,
feeBump: raw.feeBump,
envelopeXdr: _stellarBase.xdr.TransactionEnvelope.fromXDR(raw.envelopeXdr, 'base64'),
resultXdr: _stellarBase.xdr.TransactionResult.fromXDR(raw.resultXdr, 'base64'),
resultMetaXdr: meta,
...(meta.switch() === 3 && meta.v3().sorobanMeta() !== null && {
returnValue: (_meta$v3$sorobanMeta = meta.v3().sorobanMeta()) === null || _meta$v3$sorobanMeta === void 0 ? void 0 : _meta$v3$sorobanMeta.returnValue()
const result = {
status: raw.status,
latestLedger: raw.latestLedger,
latestLedgerCloseTime: raw.latestLedgerCloseTime,
oldestLedger: raw.oldestLedger,
oldestLedgerCloseTime: raw.oldestLedgerCloseTime,
return result;
async _getTransaction(hash) {
return jsonrpc.post(this.serverURL.toString(), 'getTransaction', hash);
* Fetch all events that match a given set of filters.
* The given filters (see {@link SorobanRpc.EventFilter} for detailed fields)
* are combined only in a logical OR fashion, and all of the fields in each
* filter are optional.
* To page through events, use the `pagingToken` field on the relevant
* {@link SorobanRpc.EventResponse} object to set the `cursor` parameter.
* @param {Server.GetEventsRequest} request event filters
* @returns {Promise<SorobanRpc.GetEventsResponse>} a paginatable set of the
* events matching the given event filters
* @see https://soroban.stellar.org/api/methods/getEvents
* @example
* server.getEvents({
* startLedger: 1000,
* filters: [
* {
* type: "contract",
* contractIds: [ "deadb33f..." ],
* topics: [[ "AAAABQAAAAh0cmFuc2Zlcg==", "AAAAAQB6Mcc=", "*" ]]
* }, {
* type: "system",
* contractIds: [ "...c4f3b4b3..." ],
* topics: [[ "*" ], [ "*", "AAAAAQB6Mcc=" ]]
* }, {
* contractIds: [ "...c4f3b4b3..." ],
* topics: [[ "AAAABQAAAAh0cmFuc2Zlcg==" ]]
* }, {
* type: "diagnostic",
* topics: [[ "AAAAAQB6Mcc=" ]]
* }
* ],
* limit: 10,
* });
async getEvents(request) {
return this._getEvents(request).then(_parsers.parseRawEvents);
async _getEvents(request) {
return jsonrpc.postObject(this.serverURL.toString(), 'getEvents', {
filters: request.filters ?? [],
pagination: {
...(request.cursor && {
cursor: request.cursor
// add if defined
...(request.limit && {
limit: request.limit
...(request.startLedger && {
startLedger: request.startLedger
* Fetch metadata about the network this Soroban RPC server is connected to.
* @returns {Promise<SorobanRpc.GetNetworkResponse>} metadata about the
* current network this RPC server is connected to
* @see https://soroban.stellar.org/api/methods/getNetwork
* @example
* server.getNetwork().then((network) => {
* console.log("friendbotUrl:", network.friendbotUrl);
* console.log("passphrase:", network.passphrase);
* console.log("protocolVersion:", network.protocolVersion);
* });
async getNetwork() {
return await jsonrpc.post(this.serverURL.toString(), 'getNetwork');
* Fetch the latest ledger meta info from network which this Soroban RPC
* server is connected to.
* @returns {Promise<SorobanRpc.GetLatestLedgerResponse>} metadata about the
* latest ledger on the network that this RPC server is connected to
* @see https://soroban.stellar.org/api/methods/getLatestLedger
* @example
* server.getLatestLedger().then((response) => {
* console.log("hash:", response.id);
* console.log("sequence:", response.sequence);
* console.log("protocolVersion:", response.protocolVersion);
* });
async getLatestLedger() {
return jsonrpc.post(this.serverURL.toString(), 'getLatestLedger');
* Submit a trial contract invocation to get back return values, expected
* ledger footprint, expected authorizations, and expected costs.
* @param {Transaction | FeeBumpTransaction} transaction the transaction to
* simulate, which should include exactly one operation (one of
* {@link xdr.InvokeHostFunctionOp}, {@link xdr.ExtendFootprintTTLOp},
* or {@link xdr.RestoreFootprintOp}). Any provided footprint or auth
* information will be ignored.
* @returns {Promise<SorobanRpc.SimulateTransactionResponse>} an object with
* the cost, footprint, result/auth requirements (if applicable), and error
* of the transaction
* @see https://developers.stellar.org/docs/glossary/transactions/
* @see https://soroban.stellar.org/api/methods/simulateTransaction
* @see Server.prepareTransaction
* @see assembleTransaction
* @example
* const contract = new SorobanClient.Contract(contractId);
* // Right now, this is just the default fee for this example.
* const fee = SorobanClient.BASE_FEE;
* const transaction = new SorobanClient.TransactionBuilder(account, { fee })
* // Uncomment the following line to build transactions for the live network. Be
* // sure to also change the horizon hostname.
* //.setNetworkPassphrase(SorobanClient.Networks.PUBLIC)
* .setNetworkPassphrase(SorobanClient.Networks.FUTURENET)
* .setTimeout(30) // valid for the next 30s
* // Add an operation to call increment() on the contract
* .addOperation(contract.call("increment"))
* .build();
* server.simulateTransaction(transaction).then((sim) => {
* console.log("cost:", sim.cost);
* console.log("result:", sim.result);
* console.log("error:", sim.error);
* console.log("latestLedger:", sim.latestLedger);
* });
async simulateTransaction(transaction) {
return this._simulateTransaction(transaction).then(_parsers.parseRawSimulation);
async _simulateTransaction(transaction) {
return jsonrpc.post(this.serverURL.toString(), 'simulateTransaction', transaction.toXDR());
* Submit a trial contract invocation, first run a simulation of the contract
* invocation as defined on the incoming transaction, and apply the results to
* a new copy of the transaction which is then returned. Setting the ledger
* footprint and authorization, so the resulting transaction is ready for
* signing & sending.
* The returned transaction will also have an updated fee that is the sum of
* fee set on incoming transaction with the contract resource fees estimated
* from simulation. It is adviseable to check the fee on returned transaction
* and validate or take appropriate measures for interaction with user to
* confirm it is acceptable.
* You can call the {@link Server.simulateTransaction} method directly first
* if you want to inspect estimated fees for a given transaction in detail
* first, then re-assemble it manually or via {@link assembleTransaction}.
* @param {Transaction | FeeBumpTransaction} transaction the transaction to
* prepare. It should include exactly one operation, which must be one of
* {@link xdr.InvokeHostFunctionOp}, {@link xdr.ExtendFootprintTTLOp},
* or {@link xdr.RestoreFootprintOp}.
* Any provided footprint will be overwritten. However, if your operation
* has existing auth entries, they will be preferred over ALL auth entries
* from the simulation. In other words, if you include auth entries, you
* don't care about the auth returned from the simulation. Other fields
* (footprint, etc.) will be filled as normal.
* @param {string} [networkPassphrase] explicitly provide a network
* passphrase (default: requested from the server via
* {@link Server.getNetwork}).
* @returns {Promise<Transaction | FeeBumpTransaction>} a copy of the
* transaction with the expected authorizations (in the case of
* invocation), resources, and ledger footprints added. The transaction fee
* will also automatically be padded with the contract's minimum resource
* fees discovered from the simulation.
* @see assembleTransaction
* @see https://soroban.stellar.org/api/methods/simulateTransaction
* @throws {jsonrpc.Error<any> | Error} if simulation fails
* @example
* const contract = new SorobanClient.Contract(contractId);
* // Right now, this is just the default fee for this example.
* const fee = SorobanClient.BASE_FEE;
* const transaction = new SorobanClient.TransactionBuilder(account, { fee })
* // Uncomment the following line to build transactions for the live network. Be
* // sure to also change the horizon hostname.
* //.setNetworkPassphrase(SorobanClient.Networks.PUBLIC)
* .setNetworkPassphrase(SorobanClient.Networks.FUTURENET)
* .setTimeout(30) // valid for the next 30s
* // Add an operation to call increment() on the contract
* .addOperation(contract.call("increment"))
* .build();
* const preparedTransaction = await server.prepareTransaction(transaction);
* // Sign this transaction with the secret key
* // NOTE: signing is transaction is network specific. Test network transactions
* // won't work in the public network. To switch networks, use the Network object
* // as explained above (look for SorobanClient.Network).
* const sourceKeypair = SorobanClient.Keypair.fromSecret(sourceSecretKey);
* preparedTransaction.sign(sourceKeypair);
* server.sendTransaction(transaction).then(result => {
* console.log("hash:", result.hash);
* console.log("status:", result.status);
* console.log("errorResultXdr:", result.errorResultXdr);
* });
async prepareTransaction(transaction, networkPassphrase) {
const [{
}, simResponse] = await Promise.all([networkPassphrase ? Promise.resolve({
passphrase: networkPassphrase
}) : this.getNetwork(), this.simulateTransaction(transaction)]);
if (_soroban_rpc.SorobanRpc.isSimulationError(simResponse)) {
throw simResponse.error;
if (!simResponse.result) {
throw new Error('transaction simulation failed');
return (0, _transaction.assembleTransaction)(transaction, passphrase, simResponse).build();
* Submit a real transaction to the Stellar network.
* Unlike Horizon, Soroban RPC does not wait for transaction completion. It
* simply validates the transaction and enqueues it. Clients should call
* {@link Server.getTransactionStatus} to learn about transaction
* success/failure.
* @param {Transaction | FeeBumpTransaction} transaction to submit
* @returns {Promise<SorobanRpc.SendTransactionResponse>} the
* transaction id, status, and any error if available
* @see https://developers.stellar.org/docs/glossary/transactions/
* @see https://soroban.stellar.org/api/methods/sendTransaction
* @example
* const contract = new SorobanClient.Contract(contractId);
* // Right now, this is just the default fee for this example.
* const fee = SorobanClient.BASE_FEE;
* const transaction = new SorobanClient.TransactionBuilder(account, { fee })
* // Uncomment the following line to build transactions for the live network. Be
* // sure to also change the horizon hostname.
* //.setNetworkPassphrase(SorobanClient.Networks.PUBLIC)
* .setNetworkPassphrase(SorobanClient.Networks.FUTURENET)
* .setTimeout(30) // valid for the next 30s
* // Add an operation to call increment() on the contract
* .addOperation(contract.call("increment"))
* .build();
* // Sign this transaction with the secret key
* // NOTE: signing is transaction is network specific. Test network transactions
* // won't work in the public network. To switch networks, use the Network object
* // as explained above (look for SorobanClient.Network).
* const sourceKeypair = SorobanClient.Keypair.fromSecret(sourceSecretKey);
* transaction.sign(sourceKeypair);
* server.sendTransaction(transaction).then((result) => {
* console.log("hash:", result.hash);
* console.log("status:", result.status);
* console.log("errorResultXdr:", result.errorResultXdr);
* });
async sendTransaction(transaction) {
return this._sendTransaction(transaction).then(_parsers.parseRawSendTransaction);
async _sendTransaction(transaction) {
return jsonrpc.post(this.serverURL.toString(), 'sendTransaction', transaction.toXDR());
* Fund a new account using the network's friendbot faucet, if any.
* @param {string | Account} address the address or account instance that we
* want to create and fund with friendbot
* @param {string} [friendbotUrl] optionally, an explicit address for
* friendbot (by default: this calls the Soroban RPC
* {@link Server.getNetwork} method to try to discover this network's
* Friendbot url).
* @returns {Promise<Account>} an {@link Account} object for the created
* account, or the existing account if it's already funded with the
* populated sequence number (note that the account will not be "topped
* off" if it already exists)
* @throws if Friendbot is not configured on this network or request failure
* @see
* https://developers.stellar.org/docs/fundamentals-and-concepts/testnet-and-pubnet#friendbot
* @see Friendbot.Response
* @example
* server
* .requestAirdrop("GBZC6Y2Y7Q3ZQ2Y4QZJ2XZ3Z5YXZ6Z7Z2Y4QZJ2XZ3Z5YXZ6Z7Z2Y4")
* .then((accountCreated) => {
* console.log("accountCreated:", accountCreated);
* }).catch((error) => {
* console.error("error:", error);
* });
async requestAirdrop(address, friendbotUrl) {
const account = typeof address === 'string' ? address : address.accountId();
friendbotUrl = friendbotUrl || (await this.getNetwork()).friendbotUrl;
if (!friendbotUrl) {
throw new Error('No friendbot URL configured for current network');
try {
const response = await _axios.default.post(`${friendbotUrl}?addr=${encodeURIComponent(account)}`);
const meta = _stellarBase.xdr.TransactionMeta.fromXDR(response.data.result_meta_xdr, 'base64');
const sequence = findCreatedAccountSequenceInTransactionMeta(meta);
return new _stellarBase.Account(account, sequence);
} catch (error) {
var _error$response;
if (((_error$response = error.response) === null || _error$response === void 0 ? void 0 : _error$response.status) === 400) {
var _error$response$detai;
if ((_error$response$detai = error.response.detail) !== null && _error$response$detai !== void 0 && _error$response$detai.includes('createAccountAlreadyExist')) {
// Account already exists, load the sequence number
return this.getAccount(account);
throw error;
exports.Server = Server;
function findCreatedAccountSequenceInTransactionMeta(meta) {
let operations = [];
switch (meta.switch()) {
case 0:
operations = meta.operations();
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
// all three have the same interface
operations = meta.value().operations();
throw new Error('Unexpected transaction meta switch value');
for (const op of operations) {
for (const c of op.changes()) {
if (c.switch() !== _stellarBase.xdr.LedgerEntryChangeType.ledgerEntryCreated()) {
const data = c.created().data();
if (data.switch() !== _stellarBase.xdr.LedgerEntryType.account()) {
return data.account().seqNum().toString();
throw new Error('No account created in transaction');