import xdr from './xdr';
import { Keypair } from './keypair';
import { StrKey } from './strkey';
import { Networks } from './network';
import { hash } from './hashing';
import { Address } from './address';
import { nativeToScVal } from './scval';
* @async
* @callback SigningCallback A callback for signing an XDR structure
* representing all of the details necessary to authorize an invocation tree.
* @param {xdr.HashIdPreimage} preimage the entire authorization envelope
* whose hash you should sign, so that you can inspect the entire structure
* if necessary (rather than blindly signing a hash)
* @returns {
* Promise<Uint8Array> |
* Promise<{signature: Uint8Array, publicKey: string}
* } the signature of the raw payload (which is the sha256 hash of the preimage
* bytes, so `hash(preimage.toXDR())`) either naked, implying it is signed
* by the key corresponding to the public key in the entry you pass to
* {@link authorizeEntry} (decipherable from its
* `credentials().address().address()`), or alongside an explicit `publicKey`.
* Actually authorizes an existing authorization entry using the given the
* credentials and expiration details, returning a signed copy.
* This "fills out" the authorization entry with a signature, indicating to the
* {@link Operation.invokeHostFunction} its attached to that:
* - a particular identity (i.e. signing {@link Keypair} or other signer)
* - approving the execution of an invocation tree (i.e. a simulation-acquired
* {@link xdr.SorobanAuthorizedInvocation} or otherwise built)
* - on a particular network (uniquely identified by its passphrase, see
* {@link Networks})
* - until a particular ledger sequence is reached.
* This one lets you pass a either a {@link Keypair} (or, more accurately,
* anything with a `sign(Buffer): Buffer` method) or a callback function (see
* {@link SigningCallback}) to handle signing the envelope hash.
* @param {xdr.SorobanAuthorizationEntry} entry an unsigned authorization entr
* @param {Keypair | SigningCallback} signer either a {@link Keypair} instance
* or a function which takes a {@link xdr.HashIdPreimageSorobanAuthorization}
* input payload and returns EITHER
* (a) an object containing a `signature` of the hash of the raw payload bytes
* as a Buffer-like and a `publicKey` string representing who just
* created this signature, or
* (b) just the naked signature of the hash of the raw payload bytes (where
* the signing key is implied to be the address in the `entry`).
* The latter option (b) is JUST for backwards compatibility and will be
* removed in the future.
* @param {number} validUntilLedgerSeq the (exclusive) future ledger sequence
* number until which this authorization entry should be valid (if
* `currentLedgerSeq==validUntil`, this is expired))
* @param {string} [networkPassphrase] the network passphrase is incorprated
* into the signature (see {@link Networks} for options)
* @returns {Promise<xdr.SorobanAuthorizationEntry>} a promise for an
* authorization entry that you can pass along to
* {@link Operation.invokeHostFunction}
* @note If using the `SigningCallback` variation, the signer is assumed to be
* the entry's credential address unless you use the variant that returns
* the object.
* @see authorizeInvocation
* @example
* import {
* SorobanRpc,
* Transaction,
* Networks,
* authorizeEntry
* } from '@stellar/stellar-sdk';
* // Assume signPayloadCallback is a well-formed signing callback.
* //
* // It might, for example, pop up a modal from a browser extension, send the
* // transaction to a third-party service for signing, or just do simple
* // signing via Keypair like it does here:
* function signPayloadCallback(payload) {
* return signer.sign(hash(payload.toXDR());
* }
* function multiPartyAuth(
* server: SorobanRpc.Server,
* // assume this involves multi-party auth
* tx: Transaction,
* ) {
* return server
* .simulateTransaction(tx)
* .then((simResult) => {
* tx.operations[0] =>
* authorizeEntry(
* entry,
* signPayloadCallback,
* currentLedger + 1000,
* Networks.TESTNET);
* ));
* return server.prepareTransaction(tx, simResult);
* })
* .then((preppedTx) => {
* preppedTx.sign(source);
* return server.sendTransaction(preppedTx);
* });
* }
export async function authorizeEntry(
networkPassphrase = Networks.FUTURENET
) {
// no-op if it's source account auth
if (
entry.credentials().switch().value !==
) {
return entry;
const clone = xdr.SorobanAuthorizationEntry.fromXDR(entry.toXDR());
/** @type {xdr.SorobanAddressCredentials} */
const addrAuth = clone.credentials().address();
const networkId = hash(Buffer.from(networkPassphrase));
const preimage = xdr.HashIdPreimage.envelopeTypeSorobanAuthorization(
new xdr.HashIdPreimageSorobanAuthorization({
nonce: addrAuth.nonce(),
invocation: clone.rootInvocation(),
signatureExpirationLedger: addrAuth.signatureExpirationLedger()
const payload = hash(preimage.toXDR());
let signature;
let publicKey;
if (typeof signer === 'function') {
const sigResult = await signer(preimage);
if (sigResult?.signature) {
signature = Buffer.from(sigResult.signature);
publicKey = sigResult.publicKey;
} else {
// if using the deprecated form, assume it's for the entry
signature = Buffer.from(sigResult);
publicKey = Address.fromScAddress(addrAuth.address()).toString();
} else {
signature = Buffer.from(signer.sign(payload));
publicKey = signer.publicKey();
if (!Keypair.fromPublicKey(publicKey).verify(payload, signature)) {
throw new Error(`signature doesn't match payload`);
// This structure is defined here:
// Encoding a contract structure as an ScVal means the map keys are supposed
// to be symbols, hence the forced typing here.
const sigScVal = nativeToScVal(
public_key: StrKey.decodeEd25519PublicKey(publicKey),
type: {
public_key: ['symbol', null],
signature: ['symbol', null]
return clone;
* This builds an entry from scratch, allowing you to express authorization as a
* function of:
* - a particular identity (i.e. signing {@link Keypair} or other signer)
* - approving the execution of an invocation tree (i.e. a simulation-acquired
* {@link xdr.SorobanAuthorizedInvocation} or otherwise built)
* - on a particular network (uniquely identified by its passphrase, see
* {@link Networks})
* - until a particular ledger sequence is reached.
* This is in contrast to {@link authorizeEntry}, which signs an existing entry.
* @param {Keypair | SigningCallback} signer either a {@link Keypair} instance
* (or anything with a `.sign(buf): Buffer-like` method) or a function which
* takes a payload (a {@link xdr.HashIdPreimageSorobanAuthorization}
* instance) input and returns the signature of the hash of the raw payload
* bytes (where the signing key should correspond to the address in the
* `entry`)
* @param {number} validUntilLedgerSeq the (exclusive) future ledger sequence
* number until which this authorization entry should be valid (if
* `currentLedgerSeq==validUntilLedgerSeq`, this is expired))
* @param {xdr.SorobanAuthorizedInvocation} invocation the invocation tree that
* we're authorizing (likely, this comes from transaction simulation)
* @param {string} [publicKey] the public identity of the signer (when
* providing a {@link Keypair} to `signer`, this can be omitted, as it just
* uses {@link Keypair.publicKey})
* @param {string} [networkPassphrase] the network passphrase is incorprated
* into the signature (see {@link Networks} for options, default:
* {@link Networks.FUTURENET})
* @returns {Promise<xdr.SorobanAuthorizationEntry>} a promise for an
* authorization entry that you can pass along to
* {@link Operation.invokeHostFunction}
* @see authorizeEntry
export function authorizeInvocation(
publicKey = '',
networkPassphrase = Networks.FUTURENET
) {
// We use keypairs as a source of randomness for the nonce to avoid mucking
// with any crypto dependencies. Note that this just has to be random and
// unique, not cryptographically secure, so it's fine.
const kp = Keypair.random().rawPublicKey();
const nonce = new xdr.Int64(bytesToInt64(kp));
const pk = publicKey || signer.publicKey();
if (!pk) {
throw new Error(`authorizeInvocation requires publicKey parameter`);
const entry = new xdr.SorobanAuthorizationEntry({
rootInvocation: invocation,
credentials: xdr.SorobanCredentials.sorobanCredentialsAddress(
new xdr.SorobanAddressCredentials({
address: new Address(pk).toScAddress(),
signatureExpirationLedger: 0, // replaced
signature: xdr.ScVal.scvVec([]) // replaced
return authorizeEntry(entry, signer, validUntilLedgerSeq, networkPassphrase);
function bytesToInt64(bytes) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
return bytes.subarray(0, 8).reduce((accum, b) => (accum << 8) | b, 0);