import xdr from './xdr';
import { Address } from './address';
import { Contract } from './contract';
import { ScInt, XdrLargeInt, scValToBigInt } from './numbers/index';
* Attempts to convert native types into smart contract values
* ({@link xdr.ScVal}).
* Provides conversions from smart contract XDR values ({@link xdr.ScVal}) to
* native JavaScript types.
* The conversions are as follows:
* - xdr.ScVal -> passthrough
* - null/undefined -> scvVoid
* - string -> scvString (a copy is made)
* - UintArray8 -> scvBytes (a copy is made)
* - boolean -> scvBool
* - number/bigint -> the smallest possible XDR integer type that will fit the
* input value (if you want a specific type, use {@link ScInt})
* - {@link Address} or {@link Contract} -> scvAddress (for contracts and
* public keys)
* - Array<T> -> scvVec after attempting to convert each item of type `T` to an
* xdr.ScVal (recursively). note that all values must be the same type!
* - object -> scvMap after attempting to convert each key and value to an
* xdr.ScVal (recursively). note that there is no restriction on types
* matching anywhere (unlike arrays)
* When passing an integer-like native value, you can also optionally specify a
* type which will force a particular interpretation of that value.
* Note that not all type specifications are compatible with all `ScVal`s, e.g.
* `toScVal("a string", {type: "i256"})` will throw.
* @param {any} val - a native (or convertible) input value to wrap
* @param {object} [opts] - an optional set of hints around the type of
* conversion you'd like to see
* @param {string} [opts.type] - there is different behavior for different input
* types for `val`:
* - when `val` is an integer-like type (i.e. number|bigint), this will be
* forwarded to {@link ScInt} or forced to be u32/i32.
* - when `val` is an array type, this is forwarded to the recursion
* - when `val` is an object type (key-value entries), this should be an
* object in which each key has a pair of types (to represent forced types
* for the key and the value), where `null` (or a missing entry) indicates
* the default interpretation(s) (refer to the examples, below)
* - when `val` is a string type, this can be 'string' or 'symbol' to force
* a particular interpretation of `val`.
* - when `val` is a bytes-like type, this can be 'string', 'symbol', or
* 'bytes' to force a particular interpretation
* As a simple example, `nativeToScVal("hello", {type: 'symbol'})` will
* return an `scvSymbol`, whereas without the type it would have been an
* `scvString`.
* @returns {xdr.ScVal} a wrapped, smart, XDR version of the input value
* @throws {TypeError} if...
* - there are arrays with more than one type in them
* - there are values that do not have a sensible conversion (e.g. random XDR
* types, custom classes)
* - the type of the input object (or some inner value of said object) cannot
* be determined (via `typeof`)
* - the type you specified (via `opts.type`) is incompatible with the value
* you passed in (`val`), e.g. `nativeToScVal("a string", { type: 'i128' })`,
* though this does not apply for types that ignore `opts` (e.g. addresses).
* @see scValToNative
* @example
* nativeToScVal(1000); // gives ScValType === scvU64
* nativeToScVal(1000n); // gives ScValType === scvU64
* nativeToScVal(1n << 100n); // gives ScValType === scvU128
* nativeToScVal(1000, { type: 'u32' }); // gives ScValType === scvU32
* nativeToScVal(1000, { type: 'i125' }); // gives ScValType === scvI256
* nativeToScVal("a string"); // gives ScValType === scvString
* nativeToScVal("a string", { type: 'symbol' }); // gives scvSymbol
* nativeToScVal(new Uint8Array(5)); // scvBytes
* nativeToScVal(new Uint8Array(5), { type: 'symbol' }); // scvSymbol
* nativeToScVal(null); // scvVoid
* nativeToScVal(true); // scvBool
* nativeToScVal([1, 2, 3]); // gives scvVec with each element as scvU64
* nativeToScVal([1, 2, 3], { type: 'i128' }); // scvVec<scvI128>
* nativeToScVal({ 'hello': 1, 'world': [ true, false ] }, {
* type: {
* 'hello': [ 'symbol', 'i128' ],
* }
* })
* // gives scvMap with entries: [
* // [ scvSymbol, scvI128 ],
* // [ scvString, scvArray<scvBool> ]
* // ]
* @example
* import {
* nativeToScVal,
* scValToNative,
* ScInt,
* xdr
* } from '@stellar/stellar-base';
* let gigaMap = {
* bool: true,
* void: null,
* u32: xdr.ScVal.scvU32(1),
* i32: xdr.ScVal.scvI32(1),
* u64: 1n,
* i64: -1n,
* u128: new ScInt(1).toU128(),
* i128: new ScInt(1).toI128(),
* u256: new ScInt(1).toU256(),
* i256: new ScInt(1).toI256(),
* map: {
* arbitrary: 1n,
* nested: 'values',
* etc: false
* },
* vec: ['same', 'type', 'list'],
* };
* // then, simply:
* let scv = nativeToScVal(gigaMap); // scv.switch() == xdr.ScValType.scvMap()
* // then...
*"method", scv);
* // Similarly, the inverse should work:
* scValToNative(scv) == gigaMap; // true
export function nativeToScVal(val, opts = {}) {
switch (typeof val) {
case 'object': {
if (val === null) {
return xdr.ScVal.scvVoid();
if (val instanceof xdr.ScVal) {
return val; // should we copy?
if (val instanceof Address) {
return val.toScVal();
if (val instanceof Contract) {
return val.address().toScVal();
if (val instanceof Uint8Array || Buffer.isBuffer(val)) {
const copy = Uint8Array.from(val);
switch (opts?.type ?? 'bytes') {
case 'bytes':
return xdr.ScVal.scvBytes(copy);
case 'symbol':
return xdr.ScVal.scvSymbol(copy);
case 'string':
return xdr.ScVal.scvString(copy);
throw new TypeError(
`invalid type (${opts.type}) specified for bytes-like value`
if (Array.isArray(val)) {
if (val.length > 0 && val.some((v) => typeof v !== typeof val[0])) {
throw new TypeError(
`array values (${val}) must have the same type (types: ${val
.map((v) => typeof v)
return xdr.ScVal.scvVec( => nativeToScVal(v, opts)));
if ((val.constructor?.name ?? '') !== 'Object') {
throw new TypeError(
`cannot interpret ${
} value as ScVal (${JSON.stringify(val)})`
return xdr.ScVal.scvMap(
// The Soroban runtime expects maps to have their keys in sorted
// order, so let's do that here as part of the conversion to prevent
// confusing error messages on execution.
.sort(([key1], [key2]) => key1.localeCompare(key2))
.map(([k, v]) => {
// the type can be specified with an entry for the key and the value,
// e.g. val = { 'hello': 1 } and opts.type = { hello: [ 'symbol',
// 'u128' ]} or you can use `null` for the default interpretation
const [keyType, valType] = (opts?.type ?? {})[k] ?? [null, null];
const keyOpts = keyType ? { type: keyType } : {};
const valOpts = valType ? { type: valType } : {};
return new xdr.ScMapEntry({
key: nativeToScVal(k, keyOpts),
val: nativeToScVal(v, valOpts)
case 'number':
case 'bigint':
switch (opts?.type) {
case 'u32':
return xdr.ScVal.scvU32(val);
case 'i32':
return xdr.ScVal.scvI32(val);
return new ScInt(val, { type: opts?.type }).toScVal();
case 'string': {
const optType = opts?.type ?? 'string';
switch (optType) {
case 'string':
return xdr.ScVal.scvString(val);
case 'symbol':
return xdr.ScVal.scvSymbol(val);
case 'address':
return new Address(val).toScVal();
case 'u32':
return xdr.ScVal.scvU32(parseInt(val, 10));
case 'i32':
return xdr.ScVal.scvI32(parseInt(val, 10));
if (XdrLargeInt.isType(optType)) {
return new XdrLargeInt(optType, val).toScVal();
throw new TypeError(
`invalid type (${opts.type}) specified for string value`
case 'boolean':
return xdr.ScVal.scvBool(val);
case 'undefined':
return xdr.ScVal.scvVoid();
case 'function': // FIXME: Is this too helpful?
return nativeToScVal(val());
throw new TypeError(`failed to convert typeof ${typeof val} (${val})`);
* Given a smart contract value, attempt to convert it to a native type.
* Possible conversions include:
* - void -> `null`
* - u32, i32 -> `number`
* - u64, i64, u128, i128, u256, i256 -> `bigint`
* - vec -> `Array` of any of the above (via recursion)
* - map -> key-value object of any of the above (via recursion)
* - bool -> `boolean`
* - bytes -> `Uint8Array`
* - symbol -> `string`
* - string -> `string` IF the underlying buffer can be decoded as ascii/utf8,
* `Uint8Array` of the raw contents in any error case
* If no viable conversion can be determined, this just "unwraps" the smart
* value to return its underlying XDR value.
* @param {xdr.ScVal} scv - the input smart contract value
* @returns {any}
* @see nativeToScVal
export function scValToNative(scv) {
// we use the verbose xdr.ScValType.<type>.value form here because it's faster
// than string comparisons and the underlying constants never need to be
// updated
switch (scv.switch().value) {
case xdr.ScValType.scvVoid().value:
return null;
// these can be converted to bigints directly
case xdr.ScValType.scvU64().value:
case xdr.ScValType.scvI64().value:
return scv.value().toBigInt();
// these can be parsed by internal abstractions note that this can also
// handle the above two cases, but it's not as efficient (another
// type-check, parsing, etc.)
case xdr.ScValType.scvU128().value:
case xdr.ScValType.scvI128().value:
case xdr.ScValType.scvU256().value:
case xdr.ScValType.scvI256().value:
return scValToBigInt(scv);
case xdr.ScValType.scvVec().value:
return (scv.vec() ?? []).map(scValToNative);
case xdr.ScValType.scvAddress().value:
return Address.fromScVal(scv).toString();
case xdr.ScValType.scvMap().value:
return Object.fromEntries(
( ?? []).map((entry) => [
// these return the primitive type directly
case xdr.ScValType.scvBool().value:
case xdr.ScValType.scvU32().value:
case xdr.ScValType.scvI32().value:
case xdr.ScValType.scvBytes().value:
return scv.value();
// Symbols are limited to [a-zA-Z0-9_]+, so we can safely make ascii strings
// Strings, however, are "presented" as strings and we treat them as such
// (in other words, string = bytes with a hint that it's text). If the user
// encoded non-printable bytes in their string value, that's on them.
// Note that we assume a utf8 encoding (ascii-compatible). For other
// encodings, you should probably use bytes anyway. If it cannot be decoded,
// the raw bytes are returned.
case xdr.ScValType.scvSymbol().value:
case xdr.ScValType.scvString().value: {
const v = scv.value(); // string|Buffer
if (Buffer.isBuffer(v) || ArrayBuffer.isView(v)) {
try {
return new TextDecoder().decode(v);
} catch (e) {
return new Uint8Array(v.buffer); // copy of bytes
return v; // string already
// these can be converted to bigint
case xdr.ScValType.scvTimepoint().value:
case xdr.ScValType.scvDuration().value:
return new xdr.Uint64(scv.value()).toBigInt();
case xdr.ScValType.scvError().value:
switch (scv.error().switch().value) {
// Distinguish errors from the user contract.
case xdr.ScErrorType.sceContract().value:
return { type: 'contract', code: scv.error().contractCode() };
default: {
const err = scv.error();
return {
type: 'system',
code: err.code().value,
value: err.code().name
// in the fallthrough case, just return the underlying value directly
return scv.value();