

ScInt(value, optsopt)

Provides an easier way to manipulate large numbers for Stellar operations.

You can instantiate this "smart contract integer" value either from bigints, strings, or numbers (whole numbers, or this will throw).

If you need to create a native BigInt from a list of integer "parts" (for example, you have a series of encoded 32-bit integers that represent a larger value), you can use the lower level abstraction XdrLargeInt. For example, you could do new XdrLargeInt('u128', bytes...).toBigInt().


# new ScInt(value, optsopt)

Name Type Attributes Description
value number | bigint | string

a single, integer-like value which will be interpreted in the smallest appropriate XDR type supported by Stellar (64, 128, or 256 bit integer values). signed values are supported, though they are sanity-checked against opts.type. if you need 32-bit values, you can construct them directly without needing this wrapper, e.g. xdr.ScVal.scvU32(1234).

opts object <optional>

an optional object controlling optional parameters

type string <optional>

force a specific data type. the type choices are: 'i64', 'u64', 'i128', 'u128', 'i256', and 'u256' (default: the smallest one that fits the value)

View Source js-stellar-base/src/numbers/sc_int.js, line 74

if the value is invalid (e.g. floating point), too large (i.e. exceeds a 256-bit value), or doesn't fit in the opts.type


on missing parameters, or if the "signedness" of opts doesn't match input value, e.g. passing {type: 'u64'} yet passing -1n


if a string value can't be parsed as a big integer

import { xdr, ScInt, scValToBigInt } from "@stellar/stellar-base";

// You have an ScVal from a contract and want to parse it into JS native.
const value = xdr.ScVal.fromXDR(someXdr, "base64");
const bigi = scValToBigInt(value); // grab it as a BigInt
let sci = new ScInt(bigi);

sci.toNumber(); // gives native JS type (w/ size check)
sci.toBigInt(); // gives the native BigInt value
sci.toU64();    // gives ScValType-specific XDR constructs (with size checks)

// You have a number and want to shove it into a contract.
sci = ScInt(0xdeadcafebabe);
sci.toBigInt() // returns 244838016400062n
sci.toNumber() // throws: too large

// Pass any to e.g. a, conversion happens automatically
// regardless of the initial type.
const scValU128 = sci.toU128();
const scValI256 = sci.toI256();
const scValU64  = sci.toU64();

// Lots of ways to initialize:
ScInt(1n << 140n);
ScInt(scValToBigInt(scValU128)); // from above

// If you know the type ahead of time (accessing `.raw` is faster than
// conversions), you can specify the type directly (otherwise, it's
// interpreted from the numbers you pass in):
const i = ScInt(123456789n, { type: "u256" });

// For example, you can use the underlying `sdk.U256` and convert it to an
// `xdr.ScVal` directly like so:
const scv = new xdr.ScVal.scvU256(i.raw);

// Or reinterpret it as a different type (size permitting):
const scv = i.toI64();

