

import xdr from './xdr';
import { Account } from './account';
import { StrKey } from './strkey';
import {
} from './util/decode_encode_muxed_account';

 * Represents a muxed account for transactions and operations.
 * A muxed (or *multiplexed*) account (defined rigorously in
 * [CAP-27]( and briefly in
 * [SEP-23]( is one that resolves a single
 * Stellar `G...`` account to many different underlying IDs.
 * For example, you may have a single Stellar address for accounting purposes:
 * Yet would like to use it for 4 different family members:
 * This object makes it easy to create muxed accounts from regular accounts,
 * duplicate them, get/set the underlying IDs, etc. without mucking around with
 * the raw XDR.
 * Because muxed accounts are purely an off-chain convention, they all share the
 * sequence number tied to their underlying G... account. Thus, this object
 * *requires* an {@link Account} instance to be passed in, so that muxed
 * instances of an account can collectively modify the sequence number whenever
 * a muxed account is used as the source of a @{link Transaction} with {@link
 * TransactionBuilder}.
 * @constructor
 * @param {Account}   account - the @{link Account} instance representing the
 *                              underlying G... address
 * @param {string}    id      - a stringified uint64 value that represents the
 *                              ID of the muxed account
 * @link
export class MuxedAccount {
  constructor(baseAccount, id) {
    const accountId = baseAccount.accountId();
    if (!StrKey.isValidEd25519PublicKey(accountId)) {
      throw new Error('accountId is invalid');

    this.account = baseAccount;
    this._muxedXdr = encodeMuxedAccount(accountId, id);
    this._mAddress = encodeMuxedAccountToAddress(this._muxedXdr);
    this._id = id;

   * Parses an M-address into a MuxedAccount object.
   * @param  {string} mAddress    - an M-address to transform
   * @param  {string} sequenceNum - the sequence number of the underlying {@link
   *     Account}, to use for the underlying base account (@link
   *     MuxedAccount.baseAccount). If you're using the SDK, you can use
   *     `server.loadAccount` to fetch this if you don't know it.
   * @return {MuxedAccount}
  static fromAddress(mAddress, sequenceNum) {
    const muxedAccount = decodeAddressToMuxedAccount(mAddress);
    const gAddress = extractBaseAddress(mAddress);
    const id = muxedAccount.med25519().id().toString();

    return new MuxedAccount(new Account(gAddress, sequenceNum), id);

   * @return {Account} the underlying account object shared among all muxed
   *     accounts with this Stellar address
  baseAccount() {
    return this.account;

   * @return {string} the M-address representing this account's (G-address, ID)
  accountId() {
    return this._mAddress;

  id() {
    return this._id;

  setId(id) {
    if (typeof id !== 'string') {
      throw new Error('id should be a string representing a number (uint64)');

    this._mAddress = encodeMuxedAccountToAddress(this._muxedXdr);
    this._id = id;
    return this;

   * Accesses the underlying account's sequence number.
   * @return {string}  strigified sequence number for the underlying account
  sequenceNumber() {
    return this.account.sequenceNumber();

   * Increments the underlying account's sequence number by one.
   * @return {void}
  incrementSequenceNumber() {
    return this.account.incrementSequenceNumber();

   * @return {xdr.MuxedAccount} the XDR object representing this muxed account's
   *     G-address and uint64 ID
  toXDRObject() {
    return this._muxedXdr;

  equals(otherMuxedAccount) {
    return this.accountId() === otherMuxedAccount.accountId();