




# inner buildChallengeTx(serverKeypair, clientAccountID, homeDomain, timeoutopt, networkPassphrase, webAuthDomain, memoopt, clientDomainopt, clientSigningKeyopt) → {string}

Returns a valid SEP-10 challenge transaction which you can use for Stellar Web Authentication.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
serverKeypair Keypair

Keypair for server's signing account.

clientAccountID string

The stellar account (G...) or muxed account (M...) that the wallet wishes to authenticate with the server.

homeDomain string

The fully qualified domain name of the service requiring authentication

timeout number <optional>

Challenge duration (default to 5 minutes).

networkPassphrase string

The network passphrase. If you pass this argument then timeout is required.

webAuthDomain string

The fully qualified domain name of the service issuing the challenge.

memo string <optional>

The memo to attach to the challenge transaction. The memo must be of type id. If the clientaccountID is a muxed account, memos cannot be used.

clientDomain string <optional>

The fully qualified domain of the client requesting the challenge. Only necessary when the the 'client_domain' parameter is passed.

clientSigningKey string <optional>

The public key assigned to the SIGNING_KEY attribute specified on the stellar.toml hosted on the client domain. Only necessary when the 'client_domain' parameter is passed.


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Will throw if clientAccountID is a muxed account, and memo` is present.


Will throw if clientDomain is provided, but clientSigningKey is missing


A base64 encoded string of the raw TransactionEnvelope xdr struct for the transaction.

import { Keypair, Networks, WebAuth } from 'stellar-sdk'

let serverKeyPair = Keypair.fromSecret("server-secret")
let challenge = WebAuth.buildChallengeTx(

# inner gatherTxSigners(transaction, signers) → {Array.<string>}

Checks if a transaction has been signed by one or more of the given signers, returning a list of non-repeated signers that were found to have signed the given transaction.

Name Type Description
transaction Transaction | FeeBumpTransaction

The signed transaction.

signers Array.<string>

The signer's public keys.

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A list of signers that were found to have signed the transaction.

let keypair1 = Keypair.random();
let keypair2 = Keypair.random();
const account = new StellarSdk.Account(keypair1.publicKey(), "-1");

const transaction = new TransactionBuilder(account, { fee: 100 })

transaction.sign(keypair1, keypair2)
WebAuth.gatherTxSigners(transaction, [keypair1.publicKey(), keypair2.publicKey()])

# inner readChallengeTx(challengeTx, serverAccountID, networkPassphrase, homeDomains, webAuthDomain) → {module:WebAuth.ChallengeTxDetails}

Reads a SEP-10 challenge transaction and returns the decoded transaction and client account ID contained within.

It also verifies that the transaction has been signed by the server.

It does not verify that the transaction has been signed by the client or that any signatures other than the server's on the transaction are valid. Use one of the following functions to completely verify the transaction:

Name Type Description
challengeTx string

SEP0010 challenge transaction in base64.

serverAccountID string

The server's stellar account (public key).

networkPassphrase string

The network passphrase, e.g.: 'Test SDF Network ; September 2015' (see Networks)

homeDomains string | Array.<string>

The home domain that is expected to be included in the first Manage Data operation's string key. If an array is provided, one of the domain names in the array must match.

webAuthDomain string

The home domain that is expected to be included as the value of the Manage Data operation with the 'web_auth_domain' key. If no such operation is included, this parameter is not used.


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The actual transaction and the Stellar public key (master key) used to sign the Manage Data operation, the matched home domain, and the memo attached to the transaction, which will be null if not present.

# inner verifyChallengeTxSigners(challengeTx, serverAccountID, networkPassphrase, signers, homeDomainsopt, webAuthDomain) → {Array.<string>}

Verifies that for a SEP 10 challenge transaction all signatures on the transaction are accounted for. A transaction is verified if it is signed by the server account, and all other signatures match a signer that has been provided as an argument (as the accountIDs list). Additional signers can be provided that do not have a signature, but all signatures must be matched to a signer (accountIDs) for verification to succeed. If verification succeeds, a list of signers that were found is returned, not including the server account ID.

Signers that are not prefixed as an address/account ID strkey (G...) will be ignored.

Errors will be raised if:

  • The transaction is invalid according to module:WebAuth~readChallengeTx.
  • No client signatures are found on the transaction.
  • One or more signatures in the transaction are not identifiable as the server account or one of the signers provided in the arguments.
Name Type Attributes Description
challengeTx string

SEP0010 challenge transaction in base64.

serverAccountID string

The server's stellar account (public key).

networkPassphrase string

The network passphrase, e.g.: 'Test SDF Network ; September 2015' (see Networks).

signers Array.<string>

The signers public keys. This list should contain the public keys for all signers that have signed the transaction.

homeDomains string | Array.<string> <optional>

The home domain(s) that should be included in the first Manage Data operation's string key. Required in readChallengeTx().

webAuthDomain string

The home domain that is expected to be included as the value of the Manage Data operation with the 'web_auth_domain' key, if present. Used in readChallengeTx().


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The list of signers public keys that have signed the transaction, excluding the server account ID.

import { Networks, TransactionBuilder, WebAuth }  from 'stellar-sdk';

const serverKP = Keypair.random();
const clientKP1 = Keypair.random();
const clientKP2 = Keypair.random();

// Challenge, possibly built in the server side
const challenge = WebAuth.buildChallengeTx(

// clock.tick(200);  // Simulates a 200 ms delay when communicating from server to client

// Transaction gathered from a challenge, possibly from the client side
const transaction = TransactionBuilder.fromXDR(challenge, Networks.TESTNET);
transaction.sign(clientKP1, clientKP2);
const signedChallenge = transaction

// The result below should be equal to [clientKP1.publicKey(), clientKP2.publicKey()]
   [clientKP1.publicKey(), clientKP2.publicKey()]

# inner verifyChallengeTxThreshold(challengeTx, serverAccountID, networkPassphrase, threshold, signerSummary, homeDomains, webAuthDomain) → {Array.<string>}

Verifies that for a SEP-10 challenge transaction all signatures on the transaction are accounted for and that the signatures meet a threshold on an account. A transaction is verified if it is signed by the server account, and all other signatures match a signer that has been provided as an argument, and those signatures meet a threshold on the account.

Signers that are not prefixed as an address/account ID strkey (G...) will be ignored.

Errors will be raised if:

  • The transaction is invalid according to module:WebAuth~readChallengeTx.
  • No client signatures are found on the transaction.
  • One or more signatures in the transaction are not identifiable as the server account or one of the signers provided in the arguments.
  • The signatures are all valid but do not meet the threshold.
Name Type Description
challengeTx string

SEP0010 challenge transaction in base64.

serverAccountID string

The server's stellar account (public key).

networkPassphrase string

The network passphrase, e.g.: 'Test SDF Network ; September 2015' (see Networks).

threshold number

The required signatures threshold for verifying this transaction.

signerSummary Array.<ServerApi.AccountRecordSigners>

a map of all authorized signers to their weights. It's used to validate if the transaction signatures have met the given threshold.

homeDomains string | Array.<string>

The home domain(s) that should be included in the first Manage Data operation's string key. Required in verifyChallengeTxSigners() => readChallengeTx().

webAuthDomain string

The home domain that is expected to be included as the value of the Manage Data operation with the 'web_auth_domain' key, if present. Used in verifyChallengeTxSigners() => readChallengeTx().


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Will throw if the collective weight of the transaction's signers does not meet the necessary threshold to verify this transaction.

The list of signers public keys that have signed the transaction, excluding the server account ID, given that the threshold was met.

import { Networks, TransactionBuilder, WebAuth } from 'stellar-sdk';

const serverKP = Keypair.random();
const clientKP1 = Keypair.random();
const clientKP2 = Keypair.random();

// Challenge, possibly built in the server side
const challenge = WebAuth.buildChallengeTx(

// clock.tick(200);  // Simulates a 200 ms delay when communicating from server to client

// Transaction gathered from a challenge, possibly from the client side
const transaction = TransactionBuilder.fromXDR(challenge, Networks.TESTNET);
transaction.sign(clientKP1, clientKP2);
const signedChallenge = transaction

// Defining the threshold and signerSummary
const threshold = 3;
const signerSummary = [
     key: this.clientKP1.publicKey(),
     weight: 1,
     key: this.clientKP2.publicKey(),
     weight: 2,

// The result below should be equal to [clientKP1.publicKey(), clientKP2.publicKey()]

# inner verifyTxSignedBy(transaction, accountID) → {boolean}

Verifies if a transaction was signed by the given account id.

Name Type Description
transaction Transaction | FeeBumpTransaction

The signed transaction.

accountID string

The signer's public key.

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Whether or not accountID was found to have signed the transaction.

let keypair = Keypair.random();
const account = new StellarSdk.Account(keypair.publicKey(), "-1");

const transaction = new TransactionBuilder(account, { fee: 100 })

WebAuth.verifyTxSignedBy(transaction, keypair.publicKey())

Type Definitions


# ChallengeTxDetails

A parsed and validated challenge transaction, and some of its constituent details.

Name Type Attributes Description
tx Transaction

The challenge transaction.

clientAccountId string

The Stellar public key (master key) used to sign the Manage Data operation.

matchedHomeDomain string

The matched home domain.

memo string <optional>

The memo attached to the transaction, which will be null if not present

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# ChallengeTxDetails

A parsed and validated challenge transaction, and some of its constituent details.

Name Type Attributes Description
tx Transaction

The challenge transaction.

clientAccountId string

The Stellar public key (master key) used to sign the Manage Data operation.

matchedHomeDomain string

The matched home domain.

memo string <optional>

The memo attached to the transaction, which will be null if not present

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# ChallengeTxDetails

A parsed and validated challenge transaction, and some of its constituent details.

Name Type Attributes Description
tx Transaction

The challenge transaction.

clientAccountId string

The Stellar public key (master key) used to sign the Manage Data operation.

matchedHomeDomain string

The matched home domain.

memo string <optional>

The memo attached to the transaction, which will be null if not present

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# ChallengeTxDetails

A parsed and validated challenge transaction, and some of its constituent details.

Name Type Attributes Description
tx Transaction

The challenge transaction.

clientAccountId string

The Stellar public key (master key) used to sign the Manage Data operation.

matchedHomeDomain string

The matched home domain.

memo string <optional>

The memo attached to the transaction, which will be null if not present

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