

contract.SentTransaction(signTransaction, assembled)

A transaction that has been sent to the Soroban network. This happens in two steps:

  1. sendTransaction: initial submission of the transaction to the network. If this step runs into problems, the attempt to sign and send will be aborted. You can see the result of this call in the sendTransactionResponse getter.
  2. getTransaction: once the transaction has been submitted to the network successfully, you need to wait for it to finalize to get the result of the transaction. This will be retried with exponential backoff for MethodOptions.timeoutInSeconds seconds. See all attempts in getTransactionResponseAll and the most recent attempt in getTransactionResponse.

# new SentTransaction(signTransaction, assembled)

Name Type Description
signTransaction function

More info in MethodOptions

assembled module:contract.AssembledTransaction.<T>

AssembledTransaction from which this SentTransaction was initialized

View Source lib/contract/sent_transaction.js, line 34


# Errors

The most recent result of calling getTransaction, from the getTransactionResponseAll array.

View Source lib/contract/sent_transaction.js, line 52


# getTransactionResponse

The most recent result of calling getTransaction, from the getTransactionResponseAll array.

View Source lib/minimal/contract/sent_transaction.d.ts, line 27


# getTransactionResponseAll

If sendTransaction completes successfully (which means it has status: 'PENDING'), then getTransaction will be called in a loop for MethodOptions.timeoutInSeconds seconds. This array contains all the results of those calls.

View Source lib/minimal/contract/sent_transaction.d.ts, line 21

# init

Initialize a SentTransaction from options and a signed AssembledTransaction. This will also send the transaction to the network.

View Source lib/contract/sent_transaction.js, line 70


# sendTransactionResponse

The result of calling sendTransaction to broadcast the transaction to the network.

View Source lib/minimal/contract/sent_transaction.d.ts, line 13


# static init

Initialize a SentTransaction from options and a signed AssembledTransaction. This will also send the transaction to the network.

View Source lib/minimal/contract/sent_transaction.d.ts, line 33