"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.contractErrorPattern = void 0;
exports.getAccount = getAccount;
exports.implementsToString = implementsToString;
exports.processSpecEntryStream = processSpecEntryStream;
exports.withExponentialBackoff = withExponentialBackoff;
var _stellarBase = require("@stellar/stellar-base");
var _types = require("./types");
* Keep calling a `fn` for `timeoutInSeconds` seconds, if `keepWaitingIf` is
* true. Returns an array of all attempts to call the function.
* @private
async function withExponentialBackoff(/** Function to call repeatedly */
fn, /** Condition to check when deciding whether or not to call `fn` again */
keepWaitingIf, /** How long to wait between the first and second call */
timeoutInSeconds, /** What to multiply `timeoutInSeconds` by, each subsequent attempt */
exponentialFactor = 1.5, /** Whether to log extra info */
verbose = false) {
const attempts = [];
let count = 0;
attempts.push(await fn());
if (!keepWaitingIf(attempts[attempts.length - 1])) return attempts;
const waitUntil = new Date(Date.now() + timeoutInSeconds * 1000).valueOf();
let waitTime = 1000;
let totalWaitTime = waitTime;
while (Date.now() < waitUntil && keepWaitingIf(attempts[attempts.length - 1])) {
count += 1;
// Wait a beat
if (verbose) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.info(`Waiting ${waitTime}ms before trying again (bringing the total wait time to ${totalWaitTime}ms so far, of total ${timeoutInSeconds * 1000}ms)`);
// eslint-disable-next-line
await new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, waitTime));
// Exponential backoff
waitTime *= exponentialFactor;
if (new Date(Date.now() + waitTime).valueOf() > waitUntil) {
waitTime = waitUntil - Date.now();
if (verbose) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.info(`was gonna wait too long; new waitTime: ${waitTime}ms`);
totalWaitTime = waitTime + totalWaitTime;
// Try again
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
attempts.push(await fn(attempts[attempts.length - 1]));
if (verbose && keepWaitingIf(attempts[attempts.length - 1])) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.info(`${count}. Called ${fn}; ${attempts.length} prev attempts. Most recent: ${JSON.stringify(attempts[attempts.length - 1], null, 2)}`);
return attempts;
* If contracts are implemented using the `#[contracterror]` macro, then the
* errors get included in the on-chain XDR that also describes your contract's
* methods. Each error will have a specific number. This Regular Expression
* matches these "expected error types" that a contract may throw, and helps
* {@link AssembledTransaction} parse these errors.
* @constant {RegExp}
* @default "/Error\(Contract, #(\d+)\)/"
* @memberof module:contract.Client
const contractErrorPattern = exports.contractErrorPattern = /Error\(Contract, #(\d+)\)/;
* A TypeScript type guard that checks if an object has a `toString` method.
* @private
function implementsToString(/** some object that may or may not have a `toString` method */
obj) {
return typeof obj === "object" && obj !== null && "toString" in obj;
* Reads a binary stream of ScSpecEntries into an array for processing by ContractSpec
* @private
function processSpecEntryStream(buffer) {
const reader = new _stellarBase.cereal.XdrReader(buffer);
const res = [];
while (!reader.eof) {
// @ts-ignore
return res;
//eslint-disable-next-line require-await
async function getAccount(options, server) {
return options.publicKey ? server.getAccount(options.publicKey) : new _stellarBase.Account(_types.NULL_ACCOUNT, "0");