

"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
  value: true
exports.CallBuilder = void 0;
var _urijs = _interopRequireDefault(require("urijs"));
var _URITemplate = _interopRequireDefault(require("urijs/src/URITemplate"));
var _errors = require("../errors");
var _horizon_axios_client = require("./horizon_axios_client");
function _interopRequireDefault(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; }
// Resources which can be included in the Horizon response via the `join`
// query-param.
const JOINABLE = ["transaction"];

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention

const anyGlobal = global;
// Declare EventSource as a potentially undefined variable
let EventSource;

// Only define EventSource if __USE_EVENTSOURCE__ is true
if (typeof true !== 'undefined' && true) {
  /* eslint-disable global-require */
  /* eslint-disable prefer-import/prefer-import-over-require */
  EventSource = anyGlobal.EventSource ?? anyGlobal.window?.EventSource ?? require("eventsource");

 * Creates a new {@link CallBuilder} pointed to server defined by serverUrl.
 * This is an **abstract** class. Do not create this object directly, use {@link Server} class.
 * @param {string} serverUrl URL of Horizon server
 * @class CallBuilder
class CallBuilder {
  constructor(serverUrl, neighborRoot = "") {
    this.url = serverUrl.clone();
    this.filter = [];
    this.originalSegments = this.url.segment() || [];
    this.neighborRoot = neighborRoot;

   * Triggers a HTTP request using this builder's current configuration.
   * @returns {Promise} a Promise that resolves to the server's response.
  call() {
    return this._sendNormalRequest(this.url).then(r => this._parseResponse(r));
  //// TODO: Migrate to async, BUT that's a change in behavior and tests "rejects two filters" will fail.
  //// It's because async will check within promise, which makes more sense when using awaits instead of Promises.
  // public async call(): Promise<T> {
  //   this.checkFilter();
  //   const r = await this._sendNormalRequest(this.url);
  //   return this._parseResponse(r);
  // }
  //// /* actually equals */
  //// public call(): Promise<T> {
  ////   return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
  ////     this.checkFilter();
  ////     return this._sendNormalRequest(this.url)
  ////   }).then((r) => {
  ////     this._parseResponse(r)
  ////   });
  //// }

   * Creates an EventSource that listens for incoming messages from the server. To stop listening for new
   * events call the function returned by this method.
   * @see [Horizon Response Format](
   * @see [MDN EventSource](
   * @param {object} [options] EventSource options.
   * @param {Function} [options.onmessage] Callback function to handle incoming messages.
   * @param {Function} [options.onerror] Callback function to handle errors.
   * @param {number} [options.reconnectTimeout] Custom stream connection timeout in ms, default is 15 seconds.
   * @returns {Function} Close function. Run to close the connection and stop listening for new events.
  stream(options = {}) {
    // Check if EventSource use is enabled
    if (EventSource === undefined) {
      throw new Error("Streaming requires eventsource to be enabled. If you need this functionality, compile with USE_EVENTSOURCE=true.");
    this.url.setQuery("X-Client-Name", "js-stellar-sdk");
    this.url.setQuery("X-Client-Version", _horizon_axios_client.version);

    // EventSource object
    let es;
    // timeout is the id of the timeout to be triggered if there were no new messages
    // in the last 15 seconds. The timeout is reset when a new message arrive.
    // It prevents closing EventSource object in case of 504 errors as `readyState`
    // property is not reliable.
    let timeout;
    const createTimeout = () => {
      timeout = setTimeout(() => {
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define
        es = createEventSource();
      }, options.reconnectTimeout || 15 * 1000);
    const createEventSource = () => {
      try {
        es = new EventSource(this.url.toString());
      } catch (err) {
        if (options.onerror) {
      if (!es) {
        return es;

      // when receiving the close message from Horizon we should close the
      // connection and recreate the event source (basically retrying forever)
      let closed = false;
      const onClose = () => {
        if (closed) {
        closed = true;
      const onMessage = message => {
        if (message.type === "close") {
        const result = ? this._parseRecord(JSON.parse( : message;
        if (result.paging_token) {
          this.url.setQuery("cursor", result.paging_token);
        if (typeof options.onmessage !== "undefined") {
      const onError = error => {
        if (options.onerror) {
      if (es.addEventListener) {
        es.addEventListener("message", onMessage.bind(this));
        es.addEventListener("error", onError.bind(this));
        es.addEventListener("close", onClose.bind(this));
      } else {
        es.onmessage = onMessage.bind(this);
        es.onerror = onError.bind(this);
      return es;
    return () => {

   * Sets `cursor` parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.
   * @see [Paging](
   * @param {string} cursor A cursor is a value that points to a specific location in a collection of resources.
   * @returns {object} current CallBuilder instance
  cursor(cursor) {
    this.url.setQuery("cursor", cursor);
    return this;

   * Sets `limit` parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.
   * @see [Paging](
   * @param {number} recordsNumber Number of records the server should return.
   * @returns {object} current CallBuilder instance
  limit(recordsNumber) {
    this.url.setQuery("limit", recordsNumber.toString());
    return this;

   * Sets `order` parameter for the current call. Returns the CallBuilder object on which this method has been called.
   * @param {"asc"|"desc"} direction Sort direction
   * @returns {object} current CallBuilder instance
  order(direction) {
    this.url.setQuery("order", direction);
    return this;

   * Sets `join` parameter for the current call. The `join` parameter
   * includes the requested resource in the response. Currently, the
   * only valid value for the parameter is `transactions` and is only
   * supported on the operations and payments endpoints. The response
   * will include a `transaction` field for each operation in the
   * response.
   * @param "include" join Records to be included in the response.
   * @returns {object} current CallBuilder instance.
  join(include) {
    this.url.setQuery("join", include);
    return this;

   * A helper method to craft queries to "neighbor" endpoints.
   *  For example, we have an `/effects` suffix endpoint on many different
   *  "root" endpoints, such as `/transactions/:id` and `/accounts/:id`. So,
   *  it's helpful to be able to conveniently create queries to the
   *  `/accounts/:id/effects` endpoint:
   *    this.forEndpoint("accounts", accountId)`.
   * @param  {string} endpoint neighbor endpoint in question, like /operations
   * @param  {string} param    filter parameter, like an operation ID
   * @returns {CallBuilder} this CallBuilder instance
  forEndpoint(endpoint, param) {
    if (this.neighborRoot === "") {
      throw new Error("Invalid usage: neighborRoot not set in constructor");
    this.filter.push([endpoint, param, this.neighborRoot]);
    return this;

   * @private
   * @returns {void}
  checkFilter() {
    if (this.filter.length >= 2) {
      throw new _errors.BadRequestError("Too many filters specified", this.filter);
    if (this.filter.length === 1) {
      // append filters to original segments
      const newSegment = this.originalSegments.concat(this.filter[0]);

   * Convert a link object to a function that fetches that link.
   * @private
   * @param {object} link A link object
   * @param {boolean} link.href the URI of the link
   * @param {boolean} [link.templated] Whether the link is templated
   * @returns {Function} A function that requests the link
  _requestFnForLink(link) {
    return async (opts = {}) => {
      let uri;
      if (link.templated) {
        const template = (0, _URITemplate.default)(link.href);
        uri = (0, _urijs.default)(template.expand(opts)); // TODO: fix upstream types.
      } else {
        uri = (0, _urijs.default)(link.href);
      const r = await this._sendNormalRequest(uri);
      return this._parseResponse(r);

   * Given the json response, find and convert each link into a function that
   * calls that link.
   * @private
   * @param {object} json JSON response
   * @returns {object} JSON response with string links replaced with functions
  _parseRecord(json) {
    if (!json._links) {
      return json;
    Object.keys(json._links).forEach(key => {
      const n = json._links[key];
      let included = false;
      // If the key with the link name already exists, create a copy
      if (typeof json[key] !== "undefined") {
        json[`${key}_attr`] = json[key];
        included = true;

       If the resource can be side-loaded using `join` query-param then don't
       try to load from the server. We need to whitelist the keys which are
       joinable, since there are other keys like `ledger` which is included in
       some payloads, but doesn't represent the ledger resource, in that
       scenario we want to make the call to the server using the URL from links.
      if (included && JOINABLE.indexOf(key) >= 0) {
        const record = this._parseRecord(json[key]);
        // Maintain a promise based API so the behavior is the same whether you
        // are loading from the server or in-memory (via join).
        // eslint-disable-next-line require-await
        json[key] = async () => record;
      } else {
        json[key] = this._requestFnForLink(n);
    return json;

  // eslint-disable-next-line require-await
  async _sendNormalRequest(initialUrl) {
    let url = initialUrl;
    if (url.authority() === "") {
      url = url.authority(this.url.authority());
    if (url.protocol() === "") {
      url = url.protocol(this.url.protocol());
    return _horizon_axios_client.AxiosClient.get(url.toString()).then(response =>;

   * @private
   * @param {object} json Response object
   * @returns {object} Extended response
  _parseResponse(json) {
    if (json._embedded && json._embedded.records) {
      return this._toCollectionPage(json);
    return this._parseRecord(json);

   * @private
   * @param {object} json Response object
   * @returns {object} Extended response object
  _toCollectionPage(json) {
    for (let i = 0; i < json._embedded.records.length; i += 1) {
      json._embedded.records[i] = this._parseRecord(json._embedded.records[i]);
    return {
      records: json._embedded.records,
      next: async () => {
        const r = await this._sendNormalRequest((0, _urijs.default)(;
        return this._toCollectionPage(r);
      prev: async () => {
        const r = await this._sendNormalRequest((0, _urijs.default)(json._links.prev.href));
        return this._toCollectionPage(r);

   * @private
   * @param {object} error Network error object
   * @returns {Promise<Error>} Promise that rejects with a human-readable error
  // eslint-disable-next-line require-await
  async _handleNetworkError(error) {
    if (error.response && error.response.status) {
      switch (error.response.status) {
        case 404:
          return Promise.reject(new _errors.NotFoundError(error.response.statusText ?? "Not Found",;
          return Promise.reject(new _errors.NetworkError(error.response.statusText ?? "Unknown",;
    } else {
      return Promise.reject(new Error(error.message));
exports.CallBuilder = CallBuilder;